Monday, September 23, 2024

India - miscellaneous photographs from language development workshops

  India - miscellaneous photographs from language development workshops - literature appreciation and constructive use of free time.

Sunday, September 01, 2024

Nigeria - Health and well being community

 Nigeria - Health  and  well  being community  ; following the wonderful success of last year’s health clinic, Gladys decided to repeat the initiative by increasing the number of health aspects to include this year :- free eye tests, corrective suggestions,  reading glasses distribution,  tests for diabetes, blood sugar and blood pressure tests  and  distribution  of educational expendables

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Philippines : Maternal and Child Economic and Community Development

 Today there was a magnificent turn out of over 300 mothers and children  at  Barangay Quezon Mindanao Philippines to experience our Mental  Health Forum , family medical  advice, magic show provisions and medicines distribution. Also footwear for the children and family groceries – a most successful event was completed .  We welcome the partnership with Rotary  and congratulate those  involved for their hard work, generosity and enthusiasm .

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Nepal ; umbrellas, sports’ equipment also indoor and outdoor games for children’s home near Kathmandu named HORAC Nepal.

         Collection boxes Aghalee and Aghagallon   July/August, 2024 -

Many  thanks from A Ray of Hope, UNESCO Youth Ambassador for the Culture of Peace to the proprietors, staff,  and customers of  Aghalee Centra, Aghalee Pharmacy, Aghalee  Building and Agricultural Supplies .  The generosity is overwhelming and covered the costs in entirety of this project.

Your support on this occasion was sufficient  to purchase umbrellas, sports’ equipment also  indoor  and outdoor games for    children’s  home near Kathmandu named HORAC Nepal. They have about 23 children studying in different grades. They are very active and disciplined. We will try to do activities like sharing knowledge about how to be safe and take care in the rainy seasons. Natural hazards are happening all the time also support to promote a more enjoyable use of leisure time.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Nigeria – cooking as an aid to self reliance.

  In summary Dr. Raphael attempts to increase awareness  of the milieu in which the students live, broaden horizons and aid the fulfilment of potential amongst all,  especially female students.

“We manage a 'Free Skill Acquisition Center” . for the economic emancipation of women  to be more  self reliant. We  visit schools urban and rural  and with  this  competition use various approaches  to   complement our aims and objectives . 3 schools attended, with 67 students participating also 7 teachers, 5 judges and 3 journalists” A very positive outcome was felt by all – and certainly an initiative to be repeated”.
Well done Raphael and all involved.

India - miscellaneous photographs from language development workshops

    India - miscellaneous photographs from language development workshops - literature appreciation and constructive use of free time.