Tuesday, December 13, 2005


From our Princesses in Nepal.

Think of them as they tackle a week of examinations.

To learn more about Nepal.

A Ray of Hope Jewellery Collection

A Ray of Hope

UNESCO Youth Ambassador for the Culture of Peace.

Farhana, at our request, kindly agreed to design an A Ray of Hope collection
of jewellery. This is non profit making for either Farhana or A  Ray of Hope
but it is another very important aspect of what we do. The amber stone
represents our "ray" and the 6 strands symbolise the 6 schools that the
original 60 children came from.

A Ray of Hope Jewellery Collection



Saturday, December 10, 2005


Hospital Supplies.

Thank you to Des and the team for the provision of a substantial amount of
specialist operating theatre supplies and accessories.

Nepal and Romania

Nepal and Romania

Thank you to Pictorial Charts Educational Trust - monies for the Metta
Centre, Nepal arrived safely : also a safe arrival of the financial support
to refurbish a classroom and purchase new door and locks for classroom in

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Thank You

Thank you to Heaton's Ireland

Thank you for the generosity of Heaton's Ireland - Lurgan and Dublin for
their continual support. Their fleeces have arrived safely in Romania and
now adorn children who might have be much colder this winter if had not been
for them.

To learn more about Ireland: Ireland.

Newsletter from Nigeria


Welcome to the November update from CAWDnet - working in Nigeria and the UK
to make the most of digital technology. This newsletter contains details of
several achievements that we can really celebrate!

In this newsletter we cover:

1. CAWDnet becomes 'A Ray of Hope'

2. Teachers' Talking Group re-unites across the internet

3. Fundraising boost for Kaka Support Scheme

4. Kabissa puts spotlight on CAWDnet

5. Make your Christmas shopping work for CAWDnet [UK readers]



The 'A Ray of Hope' project has invited CAWDnet to become its Nigerian
partner. This is great news for us because it increases the range of people
who are aware of our activities. It also gives us access to some new

A Ray of Hope has appointed Pam as their volunteer advisor and liaison
person for Nigeria. She will tell them about the realities of rural Nigeria
and pass on news from CAWDnet's partner organisations.

One of the first tangible benefits from this new link is that A Ray of Hope
will assist CAWDnet Convenor Pam McLean to visit Nigeria again in the new
year. Pam will organise a children's art competition on behalf of A Ray of
Hope and take out educational posters and other materials for schools , as
well as carrying out work for CAWDnet.

A Ray of Hope is linked with UNESCO ( the United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organisation). More information is available from
<outbind://91/www.unesco.co.uk> www.unesco.co.uk (which includes a link to
CAWDnet on its front page) and www3.unesco.org/iycp/uk/uk_sommaire.htm.



Our last newsletter announced plans to celebrate the first anniversary of
the Teachers Talking ICT course. We're delighted to report that the event
went ahead on Saturday 19th November.

David Mutua and his colleagues put in a lot of work to make the re-union
happen. Invitations were delivered by motorbike to teachers who participated
in last year's course (there is no other reliable means of communication).
Using a combination of email and Yahoo instant messaging David and the
teachers at the Fantsuam Foundation in Kafanchan were joinedby Don McBurney
of A Ray of Hope based inNorthern Ireland, CAWDnet Convenor Pam McLean in
London, Peter Burgess of Tr-Ac-Net in New York and others.

Discussion topics included:

* the relevance of ICT in developing countries

* the problems of running computer systems in Nigerian conditions

* the development of cheap and robust computers specifically designed for
use in Africa

* the resources (posters and books) that teachers needed in order to support
their ICT lessons

Afangmusa summed up the views of many when he said "The relevance of
computers in rural areas can not be overemphasized. The problem is the
poverty level, skilled personnel for maintenance, power supply and so on.
All the same, in this world where communication is so fast and important we
need computers and ICTs in the poorest places one can think of."

Many of the teachers pointed out that it was expensive even to access
computers at cyber-cafes, let alone buy their own machines. If computer
ownership is to spread computers need to be affordable and instalment
payment schemes are essential. CAWDnet has launched a fundraising drive to
support its work with teachers - please see how you can contribute in
Section 6 below.

To find out more about the event please contact Pam at pam@cawd.net or take
a look at the CAWD Teachers Talking Archive - email:
CawdTeachersTalking-subscribe@yahoogroups.com to register.



Previous newsletters have reported on the Kaka Support Scheme. Urban drift
and the effects of HIV/AIDS have eaten away at the extended family system in
rural Nigeria. Many older women face hunger and poor accommodation at
exactly the time in their adult lives when they are least able to cope with

Kaka means "Grandmother" and the Fantsuam Foundation's Kaka Support Scheme
targets the most vulnerable older women in its area. The scheme provides a
very basic allowance (200 Naira or about UKP1 each month) and free medical
care to eligible Kakas.

Of course the scheme needs money to continue. Fantsuam supporter Funmi
persuaded her colleagues at Maxwell Publishing to donate UKP124 to the
project on one of their "dress-down" days. Workers could wear whatever they
liked in return for a donation.

John Dada of the Fantsuam Foundation said in response:

"As we now have 30 kakas on our books, this money should see us through the
next three months if numbers stay the same. We have a waiting list of
prospective Kakas, but we have to grow slowly to ensure that we can cope
with what we have. Many thanks to Funmi and her colleagues at Maxwell

All the kakas are widows over 65 who support at least four grandchildren
aged under 15. The extra support and help offered through the scheme really
makes a difference.

You can read more and make a donation at
<https://www.bmycharity.com/V2/KKaSS> https://www.bmycharity.com/V2/KKaSS.



Kabissa is a well-respected United States based charity. It assists African
charities and societies to use the Internet. Among other things it hosts the
mail server used to send you this CAWDnet News Letter.

Kabissa works with hundreds of organisations but selected CAWDnet to feature
in the MEMBER SPOTLIGHT section of its recent newsletter. Here is a sample
of the article:

"CAWD is an information channel - linking the Internet and grassroots
community development networks in Africa. The rural poor are the experts in
rural poverty. We believe that Information and Communication Technologies

(ICTs) should enable the voices of the rural poor to be heard in debates
about development issues and that they should have sufficient experience of
ICTs to be able to join in informed debate about potential applications and
their value.

"Within CAWDnet there is considerable cultural diversity and mutual
mentoring. Our ICT use is largely about people trying to find ways to work
together effectively - acting locally and thinking globally in ways that
were impossible before ICTs came on the scene."

You can read the full article, containing more details about CAWDnet's
history and activities at

(If you cannot easily click on links because you have a slow Internet
connection please email jon@cawd.net to request the full article as a plain
text email.)



If you live in the UK and shop over the internet you can help CAWDnet,
painlessly. CAWDnet has teamed up with easyfundraising.org.uk to offer
access to over 130 of the UK's biggest and best-known retailers. Up to 15%
of your purchase price will be donated back to CAWDnet free of charge.

It doesn't cost anything extra to shop this way. Many popular retailers
participate including Dell, Amazon, HMV, Virgin, Currys, Comet, Play.com,
ChoicesUK, Direct Line, Esure, AOL, M&S, Expedia and The Carphone Warehouse
amongst many others. It's not just gifts - you can sign up for broadband,
shop for insurance and book travel tickets too. Just click and register at

Why not support CAWDnet by using this free fundraising service when you shop
online? Any transactions you carry out will be with the retailers themselves
and not with CAWDnet so all the usual security measures and protection
applies. Register before 14 February 2006 and you will be automatically
entered into the website's competition to win an iPod Nano or Amazon

If you prefer simply to give a straightforward donation please make your
cheque payable to 'Charity for African Welfare and Development' and send to
CAWDnet, P.O. Box 321, Bromley BR1 1UB. CAWDnet employs no staff in the UK
and virtually all our administration costs are absorbed by our volunteers.
This means all external donations go directly towards projects in rural

We are currently raising money to support our work with teachers.



Thank you for your interest in and support for CAWDnet's work. Please
contact Pam or Jon with your news, comments or queries. And please pass this
newsletter on to anyone else you think may be interested in what we do.

If you are not currently a subscriber you can subscribe by emailing:



To learn more about Nigeria:  Nigeria

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Uganda, Belarus and Romania.


A big thank you to Helen for supplying a substantial amount of material for
the tailoring club in the Kabbubu Library Community. Sent today for

Belarus and Romania
Miscellaneous supplies sent.

To learn more about Belarus:  Belarus
To learn more about Romania: Romania

To learn more about Uganda: Uganda

Congratulations to David Wardrop -Chairman- and the Executive Committee

One hour ahead of schedule, the UNA Westminster website has gone live at
UNA Westminster Branch London

Within a fortnight, we will augment this with photos of the St Paul's
Cathedral service and crypt reception.

Kind regards,
David Wardrop, Branch Chairman and the Executive Committee, Rudi Albesa,
Nilesh Parekh, Paul Mrazek, William Say, Katherine Hughes, Bianca
Madison-Vuleta, Michael Rossi, Prince Buer Aryee, Catherine Pluygers, Niki
Furneaux, Patricia Rogers, Carol Brooksbank with co-options, Dave Crookenden
and Peter Greaves, to be formally confirmed on 20 December. 

All the above
were elected at last night's Annual General Meeting

    "Cultural Diversity is Enrichment"    

Nepal-- support for Kavre School for the Deaf

Parents of deaf children are forced to keep them far from their home for their education, so the kids don't have to travel long   distan...