Thursday, March 30, 2006

From Jessy, Network of Peace Initiatives Uganda

I cant thank you sufficiently for all you have done

for me personally and NPI in general during all this

time of our collaboration. I should admit that both

you and Victoria have contributed enormously in helping

NPI keep and maintain the momentum without which

maybe, we could not have come this far given the

demands of peace work. You have helped us keep on our

feet and I should say you have helped us learn a lot

indeed. Talk of Ray of Hope. On behalf of my fellow

colleagues and peace workers at NPI we say THANK YOU

VERY MUCH. You have brought a new meaning to

'friendship'. We cant have the right words to thank

Victoria, who is more that a blood relation to us now.

We are proud to be affiliated to A Ray of Hope team.

Always pleased to hear from you.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Metta Centre, Nepal

The Princesses in the Metta Centre, Nepal showing of their new shoes and Renu who takes her important examinations over the next few days.
We wish them well.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Pamela Maclean is A Ray of Hope’s liaison for Nigeria.

Pamela Maclean is A Ray of Hope’s liaison for Nigeria



Pam Macclean is an exceptionally gifted individual who is driven by the need to succeed, accomplish and impart ideas. Her great desire is to share her knowledge with others and in particular with those who may not have the educational opportunities as those experienced by pupils and teachers in the United Kingdom. It is a wonderful asset for A Ray of Hope to have harnessed the interest of Pam in Nigeria and we are assured that much more will develop.


Pamela has just recently returned from an extremely successful time in Nigeria and thanks must be given to British Airways as without their support none of this would have been possible.


I must also pay tribute to all those who believed in the ideas of Pam and A Ray of hope and on learning of the proposed agenda turned acorns into saplings. The giant oaks will come later. It is however always refreshing to become involved with communities that truly value education. It is the desire and knowledge of the value of education that sets the developing world above the countries that have all and appreciate little.


My own biased view is that good teachers are worth more than gold – and in Nigeria this premise stands proved. The response to Pam’s visit demonstrated how community development activists and teachers lead and students excel and I must personally thank all who made the achievements possible.


Our art competition which attracted nearly 400 entries of the highest quality was made more special as the resources available to the teachers and children were limited. Future events will allow us to provide materials and equipment to assist those who become involved.


Pam’s involvement with Nigerian development projects has always depended on communication links enabled by ICT. Pam needed also to employ other agencies to assist with the learning strategies that she had intended.


20 teachers from rural schools participated in a programme of study which had the theme "Act local, think global" possibly reaching its zenith when representatives of a community development project in Nigeria were enabled to interact with Ethiopia through a research project with London University Institute of Education.


An important part of the programme was how to develop a computer mindedness amongst the teachers who did not have either computers or electricity in the schools they would be returning to. Pam hopes that we will be able to support this aim by distance assistance and follow up visits.


As global learning should be a two way system the networks are now available to tap into rural experience and  knowledge. There are global players who want to take informed action to deal with rural educational poverty.


Both Pam’s and A Ray of Hope’s vision is that we will have network founded on friendship and trust and the desire to learn made easier by global communication. People will come together and use ICT to rub minds and find practical  solutions to real problems.


Further networking is being planned through ICT, sporting and cultural events. It is hoped that a relationship can shortly be developed between the Nigerian National Commission and the UK National Commission not only to share ideas but to progress this project further.


A full gallery of artwork and event photographs through Culture of Peace Nigeria link on front page of

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Poems from Seguya Pius, Uganda

In trying to deny others freedom,
Man has denied himself freedom.
In trying to enslave others,
Man has enslaved himself.
In trying to segregate against a brother,
He has segregated against himself.
In trying to hate others,
He has hated himself.
In trying to fight others,
He has fought himself
And trying to judge others
Got him judging himself.
In trying to kill others,
He couldn’t fail to kill himself.
For out in the would you’ll find;
You can’t fail to give yourself what you give others,
Nor deny others what you give yourself.
In loving another, man has only loved himself
In forgiving another,
He has only forgiven himself.
In caring for another,
He has cared for himself.
In teaching another,
He has taught himself
In helping others,
He has helped himself.
And has given himself,
When he meant giving others.
You see; you can’t afford to treat others
To what you don’t treat yourself.  
Freedom goes beyond being free from foreign domination
Beyond direct slavery and exploitation
Beyond racial segregation
Beyond submission to a dictatorship.
It defies being free from prison bars,
From the chains of poverty, disease and the curse of war.
Political freedom can’t define it,
Nor religious
Real freedom sets one free, just as the other,
It entails meeting the desires of the heart,
Those things letting it reach great heights of happiness and satisfaction,
Leaving room for enjoyment and happiness of others.
Freedom is just this;
Meeting the desires of the heart
Without undue influence, direct or indirect.
It’s meeting desires of your inner-self
With great care that the other is left free;
For if not observed,
The seed to encroach your freedom is sown,
And you won’t be free anymore.
You just can’t have freedom,
Ungiven to your neighbour.
Other’s freedom,
That’s the guarantee to your freedom 
What denies man freedom and happiness is just this; the desire and determination to deny others freedom and happiness. When he commits himself to deny others, he throws himself in prisons where he can never have freedom. We must also not forget that the other will be fighting to get the freedom we deny them, and that fight alone can never leave us free. We enslave ourselves, physically or emotionally when we enslave others.
Seguya Pius

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Cambridge College Uganda

Photographs from Cambridge College; in photo one, students display the trophy they won in the zonal secondary school tournament as the most disciplined team and time keeping, photo 2 shows students with the trophy won for being top scorers in the tournament, and three shows some of the girls at school in their uniforms.

Friday, March 17, 2006


The Teachers Talking Action group met on Saturday,
11th March 2006, in Fantsuam Foundation Community
Learning Center, Fantsuam enable the meeting by
providing meeting venue. Find below a report/minutes
of the meeting.

Fantsuam Foundation TT Action Group Meeting
On the 11th March 2006
By David Mutua on behalf of Rev. Lawrence Gizo
the TT Voice.

Attendants: -

Mrs. Bilhatu Nyam Garba
Mr. Daniel Hyuwa
Mr. Ayok Thomas
Rev. Lawrence Gizo (The TT Nigeria Voice)
Mr. Abashiya Aniggo
Mr. Christy Ajala

David Mutua
Florence Bale

The meeting started at exactly 11:45am at Fantsuam
Foundation cyber café, six people attended, it could
not hold in full force because of number in attendance
not with standing few things were deliberated upon.

Things Discussed.
The use of the computer teaching aid left behind by
Condition for borrowing teaching aids
It can only be borrowed for a week, the borrower is
responsible to replace back the teaching aids in case
of any damage
An item can only be borrowed at a time
Any teacher who has started with a group and is in
need of the teaching aid should provide the time -
table to Mr. Mutua David or Miss Florence Bale

Dynamic information about some member of the IT
Mrs. Bilhatu Nyam has started computer work with some
students in her school
MR Ayok Thomas presented a proposal to his school
principal to start a computer program in his school
Rev. Lawrence Yaro Gizo has started a computer
literacy school at garage agban kagoro called sawano
computer training with three students, Fantsuam
Foundation assisted him with a Volunteer Instructor
(Enoch Auta) to assist him set up the centre.

A member in person of Mr Daniel Hyuwa donated 1,000
Naira and it was agreed that all members are expected
to contribute atleast 500 Naira in the next meeting.
We have proposed to open an account with Fantsuam
Foundation community bank with 200 Naira and save 300
Naira and the remaining 500 Naira will be used for
typing and getting minutes, letters and notes across
to member by CawdNet courier. The account number will
be made known to members and other interested groups
so that they can make their own contribution to the TT

Next Meeting
Next meeting is scheduled for Friday 7/4/06 at 3:00pm.
Elections for the TT action group leaders will take
place and teachers will have access to the Internet
after the meeting.

Posts for elections
Vice chairman
Financial Secretary


Monday, March 13, 2006

Robert, Romania

It is with sadness that I must relate that Robert in Romania has passed away to a place without pain or suffering.
Robert was 27 years old and had a severe heart condition. Unfortunately the surgeons and doctors believed that he was too weak to have the much needed operation.
 Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and all those who cared and hoped that Robert would one day have a life free from pain.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Uganda and Nigeria

Education Packs including teachers' resource material, posters and lesson notes now en route to Uganda and Nigeria.

Nepal-- support for Kavre School for the Deaf

Parents of deaf children are forced to keep them far from their home for their education, so the kids don't have to travel long   distan...