Saturday, July 22, 2006


Education packs, teachers' notes and resource material sent to four schools in Zanzibar

Mr. Hilary Benn MP

Secretary of State for International Development sends his best wishes and regards

“Peace message from Kenya”

Dear all,
Your programme Peacemusic PM012 of July 2006  produced by your servant Ben Mussanzi wa Mussangu will be on air on BCB 96.7 FM on Sunday 23/07/06 (1-2pmGMT),
 The theme is “Peace message from Kenya” and it is dedicated to “Middle East” as part of CRC contribution for global peace. The guest speaker is George Wachira of Nairobi Peace Initiative

 For your feedback, comments and positive critics for the improvement of your programme
 Peacemusic, please feel free to email:

 For those who are around the world and not in Bradford, if you have
 installed Realplayer on your computer, you can
 listen BCB live on

 Enjoy the programme Peacemusic 012 of July2006!
NB: From next month (1st August 06), BCB will be broadcasting on abrand new frequency 106.6 FM

Chers tous,
Votre programme en Anglais Peacemusic PM012 du mois de Juillet 2006, de votre serviteur Ben Mussanzi wa Mussangu, dedie au“Moyen Orient”, comme part de contribution du CRC pour la paix dans le monde, sera diffusé sur les ondes de BCB 96.7 FM ce Dimanche 23/07/06 (1-2pmGMT),

 Le theme aborde c’est “Message de paix en provenance du
Kenya”. Et l’invite du jour sera George Wachira de Nairobi Peace Initiative au Kenya.

  Pour le feedback, commentaires et critiques constructifs pour l’amelioration de votre programme  Peacemusic, sentez-vous d’envoyer votre email a:
 Pour ceux qui sont a travers le monde et non pas a Bradford, si vous avez installé Realplayer sur votre ordinateur, vous pouvez alors ecouter en direct BCB ce dimanche sur :

  Bonne écoute!
 Votre fidele serviteur,
NB: A partir du mois prochain (1st Aout 06), BCB emettra sur une toute nouvelle frequence 106.6 FM

Centre Resolution Conflicts (CRC), 43 Rothersay Terrace,Bradford
West Yorkshire,United Kingdom, BD7 1QE, T: +44 (0)1274 427800, M: +44(0)7796988884
Conflict Resolution & Peace Education in order to keep our family/workplace/community/city/nation/world a peaceful place.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Seguya Pius Uganda

There’re mistakes that we once did, but can never do now; because we know better. The problem is never with a child who annoys his parent, but with the parent who lashes out or hits at a kid that annoys him.
The problem is not so much with the terrorist, but with the one who uses means of terror to stop terrorism. And ends up quadrupling the number that the terrorist killed. He kills the terrorist, his innocent family and friends, and kills his own people. The ones he dearly loves to protects.
Where you have weak power destroying tens, strong power destroys thousands. The problem is never with the weak, but with the so strong who use their power to destroy. With the so strong that never use their power to correct the wrong, but rather to multiply the wrong.
We never teach any  value to those we assume we’re correcting, except the value; always strike back at those that annoy you. The value of revenge and selfishness. The value of; “you need not change, ‘they’, have to change”. We must be humble enough to recognize that so often, those that do what we perceive to be wrong, or indeed that which is wrong, are only on their journey to spiritual growth, self realization. And so strong to accept that ours ought to be a responsibility of guiding them or supporting them to that growth. Every human soul cries out to bless another. And sometimes, just sometimes, our actions or omissions force others to do wrong.
Someone asked me what peace is; peace is the consideration of the view you don’t hold. It’s the acceptance that the other party so much wants what they believe they’re entitled to, just as you want what you believe to be your right or possession. Once you reach this acceptance, you begin to think and act in terms of mutual benefit.  
You’ll never know what’s right until you know what’s wrong. And what’s wrong can not be clear to you until you don’t doubt what’s right.
We’ve so many problems when our lives are not on purpose. In the end, many problems are created by a man who drives east, west, south and north every time and any time. Because we see too much to be done, and are not decided on what exactly to do, we get overwhelmed and begin to see lots of problems where indeed non exists. Our problem mind begins to see problems and eventually creates them.
There is no problem in the world except the way we think. Every other thing we call a problem is just a thought. If thoughts can change, problems can be solved.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Children Mozyr

July 2006, London

Dear Friends at the A Ray of Hope - Children Mozyr

I hope all is well with you.

As you may be aware, in September 2001 the member states of the United Nations unanimously adopted a resolution to establish the UN International Day of Peace, a day of global ceasefire and non-violence, 21 September annually. The Peace One Day film project inspired and documented the creation of the Day and since has been committed to informing the global community of its existence, with a view to manifesting an annual moment of global unity, as Peace Day is envisioned to become.  As part of this effort, this year with your support, we hope to instigate Peace Day activities in all 191 member states of the United Nations in accordance with the resolution.

It is for this reason that I am writing to you today to ask for your help in raising awareness of Peace Day across the world. I understand that your organisation works to encourage society to participate in cultural, sporting and educational activities that aim to further a move towards a more peaceful and inclusive world. We would be thrilled to provide a free DVD of the award winning feature documentary to the A Ray of Hope - Children Mozyr to inspire your members and show them how an individual really can make a difference.

An observance of Peace Day can take many forms. Previous years have seen commitments from every sector of society from governments to community groups to individuals. These commitments have ranged in scope from public addresses or a citywide minute of silence, to Peace Day street parties or a group discussion.  Simply saying sorry to a friend or relative can count. Our website clearly lists the countries in which commitments have been made, and those in which there are none as yet. By getting involved and making a commitment in your country, or encouraging others to do so, the A Ray of Hope - Children Mozyr could make a major contribution to the furtherance of our goal to unite the world on Peace Day.

Whatever your commitment, either on, or in the lead up to 21 September, please let us know so that we can document it on the website to inspire others to get involved.  The scale of your Peace Day activity is not important; the commitment of individuals to act on the Day is everything. Any images that you are able to send us of your activities on the day, be they still or moving would be very much appreciated.

I do want to say a final word about the term 'non-violence', and why its inclusion in UN GA Resolution 55/282 was so important. I realised early on that a call simply for 'ceasefire' on 21 September was one that could easily be dismissed as relevant only to those living in 'conflict zones'.  The inclusion of the term 'non-violence', coupled with an invitation to 'individuals' to observe the Day, means that 21 September becomes relevant to us all, since every one of us has had some experience with one form of violence or another, whether in our home, school or university or local community.

Thank you again for your support and we very much look forward to hearing from you about any potential commitment you are able to make.

With kind regards
In peace

Jeremy Gilley
Founder, Peace One Day

Cambridge College, Uganda.



P.O BOX 19092


6TH JULY 2006





Dear Sir,


REF: Appreciation for your donation


On behalf of my fellow students at the college, I wish to pass on our appreciation for the support you’ve always rendered to us. Thanks, in particular, for the recent donation of football boots.


Since you involvement in our school, footballers have become so happy that they win every match they attend.


Thank you so much, we’re grateful.


God bless you,

Mirembe Norah

Zziwa Vicent

Baladna, Israel

Dear Partners and Friends.

 Please find attached  Baladna News, the bi-monthly newsletter of Baladna: Association for Arab Youth.

Every issue we will be updating you with our ongoing activities, our achievements and our plans for the future.

Ur comments and feedback is more than welcomed. The newsletter is in PDF format.

In case you don’t use PDF format you can download it from


Nadim Nashif

Friday, July 07, 2006

Seguya Pius, Uganda

Dear All

Please see attached photos from Combridge College. The

boots were delivered. I'll send the thank you letter


The Pigeons scenery painting is still in the workshop.

Beautiful times,


Metta Centre Nepal

Hope you are all  doing fine. And your princesses went on the short day trip nearby the mountain and met a family with small hut..and had took a picture with them..your princesses want to send to you and send with love and hugs...

Peacemania - Peace Initiative Publication Uganda

Find herewith attached the current issue of the youth newsletter from Uganda. Circulation of the subject to other peace workers and schools will be most appreciated. Articles for the next issue can be sent to the editor and should be short and precise. Tell us how you think we can improve the youth voice.

Thank you.

Jessy Winterbonn Ndozireho

Network for Peace-Building Initiatives (NPI)Uganda.


Hi Vickie and Don,
Combridge College received their footie boots yesterday. We looked for them from second-hand boots and we were able to get 18 pairs. Will send the photos of the handover and the thank you letter from the school.
I gave the CASSO money and the booklets (84pds, and 4 pcs) to Dr. Kintu and Manyangwa money(80pds and 4 pcs) to Ssennoga Paul (Headmaster). I asked Dr. to write a thank you letter to you, Vickie, and Paul shall pass it to you though me.

Nepal-- support for Kavre School for the Deaf

Parents of deaf children are forced to keep them far from their home for their education, so the kids don't have to travel long   distan...