Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Lagos, Nigeria

A Ray of Hope's Positive Citizenship Course  Day 1
  • We had 2 sessions, the first was taken by two lawyers that lectured us on citizenship, we had an interactive session, asking questions and making contributions.
  • Preceding this session we set 1st set our ground rules and had a little toothpick networking session.
  • We had a 15 minutes break to take some refreshments
  • After refreshment we went back in for the 2nd session which we started with an exercise to highlight the need for cooperation and team work in achieving a common goal.
  • The session was closed afterward with resumption time for tomorrows training set as 12 noon.
  • Victor
  • Philippines

    A substantial amount of music dancewear, shoes, lycra trousers, tracksuits and leotards now on route to a dance school in Philippines.

    Sierra Leone


    Animal Magic

    A Ray of Hope, UNESCO Youth Ambassador , a long term supporter of Rogbonko Village School, has used their website to give people in the UK the opportunity to purchase an animal as a gift for the school. Donors were swift and generous. Ten ducks, two sheep and two goats will soon be on their way to the village. The animals will be cared for by pupils and their produce used to help supplement the children’s diets.

    Teacher Training

    During the summer holidays trainers from Makeni Teacher Training College visited the village and conducted a two week training programme for our four school teachers to help them develop skills appropriate to adult education. The evening classes, which began in March, are attended by 60 people and going strong.

    Old Ways, New Goals

    All thirteen entrants from Rogbonko Village School to the National Primary School Exams have passed. Collectively, pupils from Rogbonko passed with the highest marks in the district. All have won places at a secondary school in nearby Magburaka. However few among the villagers in Rogbonko can afford the fees, uniforms and books required for each child. So the village elders and school committee have turned to a traditional self-help system of support called ‘osusu.’ Often used by farmers to insure against the loss of their crop,‘osusu’ is to be used to guarantee the future education of Rogbonko’s children. Each parent with a child at Rogbonko Village School will contribute Le15,000 (£3) into a central purse. Any child who wins a place at secondary school will be entitled to have their fees paid from the collective funds. With 200 children at the school, mostly in the youngest class, the fund should have several years to build.

    Friday, February 23, 2007


    Small finances transferred for heating and lighting in the Metta Centre.


    Educational posters, mixed text books, mixed stationery, miscellaneous items
    and shoes, leotards , general dancewear sent to Kenya.

    Wednesday, February 21, 2007

    Thank you

    A large thank you to Roch Valley for a second shipment of dance wear for our children overseas

    Tuesday, February 13, 2007


    A Ray of Hope would like to welcome the members of Prison Arts Education Network - assured that they will add a unique dimension to their global initiative. 


     Prision Arts Education Network - Europe


    Friday 9th February 2007



    Dear Don


    Per Thrane, with whom I am working very closely on the PAN project, has keep me in close touch with your recent email exchanges. On behalf of the PAN Network I would like to wholeheartedly accept your offer of affiliation to the UNESCO Global Culture of Peace Project. I agree with you that our aims are very compatible, and from our point of view it is a wonderful opportunity both to link up with an extremely important and worthwhile initiative and also to show to an international audience the positive and creative sides of people who normally have very limited opportunities to express them.

    Per also mentioned including a reference to UNESCO in our website and journal, for which you are also offering to write an article. We would be delighted to take up these offers and can include the website reference straight away. Please keep us in touch with all the developments in the Culture of Peace project and let us know of any other ways in which we can support you.


    Yours sincerely


    Dr Alan Clarke

    European Projects Coordinator


    Nigeria and St. Vincent

    Certificates, trophies, drawing pencils and paper sent to Nigeria - educational resources, teachers' notes and resource material on route to St. Vincent

    Monday, February 05, 2007


    Educational supplies arrive safely in London for onward transportation to 50 schools in Kenya.

    General Motors. and Uganda

    Thank you to General Motors for their very generous financial support for the Kabbubu Community Project Uganda.

    Thursday, February 01, 2007

    Kiwumu Uganda

    A colleague of mine, who is a member of Tag Teacher Net, forwarded me
    details of your posting regarding Unesco.
    Our secondary school on the Isle of Man is currently in the process of
    raising £30,000 to build a primary school in Kiwumu Uganda. We are
    operating through a small charity called Abaana (www.abaana.org) based in
    Northern Ireland.
    We have a team of staff and students going out to Uganda in July/Aug to
    visit the school. If you have anything that we could take out with us to
    give to the school, that would be wonderful. My contact details are as

    Miss K Crawford
    18 Greenlands Ave
    Isle of Man
    IM8 2PN

    Thank you

    Assistant Subject Leader in English
    St Ninian's High School

    Nepal-- support for Kavre School for the Deaf

    Parents of deaf children are forced to keep them far from their home for their education, so the kids don't have to travel long   distan...