Friday, May 25, 2007


Dear Young Nigerian Professionals

You will agree with us that the last eight years of Democracy in Nigeria witnessed a lot of reforms that spans the economy, the polity, foreign policy, government empowerment programmes and others too numerous to mention. Also in April 2007, there was a general election which ushered in a new set of leaders at the political level; this is expected to take Nigeria to the next level of its development.


You are therefore invited to be part of a team of young professionals drawn from various professional organizations to review the impact of Government programmes on youths in the last eight years of democracy in Nigeria and make concrete inputs toward a better Nigeria through debates and affirmative action. This Youth Peer review breakfast meeting on Policy impact/ Review in Nigeria is jointly organized by Centre for Values in Leadership (CVL), a not -for- profit organization sponsored by the Pat Utomi Legacy Foundation and Nigerian Professionals (NiPRO) International Network. The details are as follow:


DATE -             Thursday, May 31, 2007


VENUE –          Lagos Business School, Pan African University, 2, Ahmed Onibudo

Street, Victoria Island, Lagos



TIME    -           9.00AM – 11.00 AM



Kindly confirm your participation on or before Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Special Guest for this breakfast meeting is Mr. Kamiludeen Olufowobi, Executive Director, Nigerian Professionals International Network, US, UK and Nigeria.


Thank you.


Victor Gotevbe
General Manager
Nigerian Professionals International network



"Three little piggies" Uganda

Monday, May 21, 2007

Values of Positive Citizenship, Nigeria

Living Values For Positive Citizenship

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NiPRO INTL. (NIGERIA) in cooperation with
A Ray of Hope, UNESCO Youth Ambassador for the Culture of Peace


Meet, Mingle & Network with Fellow Young Professionals

June 15 to June 17, 2007
International Press Centre, House 11, Dideolu Court, Akintan Estate, Ogba, Lagos

9am to 4pm daily


Yomi Oloko Development impact for Nigeria (DFIN) UK
Bode Omokaro, Development impact for Nigeria (DFIN)

Come with your contact/business cards!

Coordinators: Victor Gotevbe, GM NiPRO Nigeria – 08033057677

Sponsor: Development impact for Nigeria (DIFN)

Why should you attend the networking event?
- To provide a reflective introductory understanding of what citizenship
- To discuss what it means being a citizen
- To explore values undraping understanding of citizenship to young people
- To help young people further develop skills important to citizenship
Active Listening, Appreciating Difference and Team Building / Group Working
- To encourage individual community volunteering on the part of participants
- Network and Mingle with Young Nigerian Professionals
- & above all come be part of a progressive network


Theme – Exploring the idea of being a Citizen
Suggested topics to be covered

  • Introductions
  • Developing Ground rules
  • Who is a Citizen / What makes me a Citizen?
  • What are my rights as a Citizen?
  • Do I have responsibilities as a Citizen?
  • Cooperation & Citizenship

Theme – Values and Citizenship
Suggested topics to be covered

  • What are values?
  • Introduction to Living Values Education Programme
  • What are my Core Values?
  • Mutual Understanding & Citizenship
  • Constructively Dealing with Differences & Citizenship.

The three (3) days will be very participatory.


Sports' supplies, educational posters and resource packs sent to Mozambique.

Friday, May 18, 2007


From our new friends.
More information to follow

Temmy. Nigeria

Dear Don, This is a report and Frame work in carricature.
A Ray of Hope, Unesco Youth Ambassador for the culture of peace in cooperation with the Nigerian Professionals (NiPRO) International Network and her partners and donors invite the participation of children ages 8-18 from schools in all the provinces of Ghana to iTech 2007, the 1st ICT - based creative camp and competition for children in Ghana.


iTech, an initiative of A Ray of Hope UNESCO and NiPRO International network  an initiative of A Ray of Hope UNESCO and NiPro is a youth empowerment programme aimed at bridging the digital divide in fulfillment of some of her aims and objectives –

·                    To promote in children's minds that diversity leads to enrichment.

·                    To develop between children and teachers a greater understanding and mutual respect.

·                    To develop the relationships between our schools.


iTech creates an enabling environment for young people to associate with digital developments in their generation.


iTech has continued to create an avenue for teaching young people basic IT skills as well as a number of social values of integrity, respect for life, dignity of labour, appreciation of our culture and such related virtues.



Why iTech?


·                    Encouraging national and international networking for children at early ages Generating and Developing Ict capability in young people.

·                    Creating content on the internet.

·                    Contrbuting to development and poverty alleviation through ICT.

·                    Promoting knowledge – based camping for children.

·                    Arresting youth restiveness through intellectual challenges.

·                    Drawing youth attention to issues of national focus thereby eliciting youth participation in such activities through informal teaching methods.


Criteria for participants to participate:


·                    Basic knowledge of computing (that is, ability to boot a system, handle the mouse and simple word processing).

·                    Nomination by school principals, parents or guardians.

·                    Physically challenged (handicapped, blind and Deaf).



Special Attractions:


·                    Sight seeing of natural endowment in the State.

·                    Choreography with indigenes.

·                    Cultural nite to feature the best people of the land, Music and Drama.

·                    Symposium, debates and career talks etc.



Soft wares that will be taught:


·                    Dreamweaver    

·                    Microsoft Frontpage

·                    Visual Basic

·                    Swish max




·       Two (2)-week camp for two hundred and fifty (250) chosen people across the nation and West Africa.

·        Required materials for all campers include clothes, sport wears, beddings, sweaters, jackets, skirts, trousers, toiletries and any already prescribed medication.

·       Cell phones, electronic gadgets, CDs are prohibited in the camp and should NOT be brought to camp.





Theme: Perfecting International Culture and Tourism with Information and Communication Technology.


Tentative programme


Sunday September 2       Participants' reception at Abuja airport and various bus stations.

September 3    Carnival for opening ceremony

September 4 – 12 Classes, Team work, Lectures, talks etc.

September 13 All stars cultural nite

Friday September 14 Departure.


Frame work.


Meeting with the partners and sponsors

Meeting with the principals of the schools

Meeting with logistics heads.


Roll out flyers and banners.

Registration forms


Reports of the trip to Ghana.


Day 1. Visited the UNESCO Ghana office and spoke with the person in charge of Information and technology for the youths in Ghana; Ezekiel. He was so happy to know about this programme and pledge the support of the Organization. He said he will inform the country director. I was asked to come back the next day.


I visited The Kofi Anan Computer Centre. This is where the training will be taking place. I met with the lady in charge and she said all we need to book the place is a letter stating who we are and what we want to do not forgetting the duration.



Day 2.


I visited Promasidor (Makers of Cowbell Powdered Milk) in Ghana. I spoke with the marketing manager about partnering with us. They pledge their support and I have been asked to bring our brochure to solidify the partnership.


I visited Busy Internet for support and got the same kudos.


I revisited the UNESCO Office in Ghana and I was told to bring the brochure to support my words.

Day 3 I visited two secondary schools and spoke with their principals about this initiative.


I visited the University of Ghana, Legon. This is where we'll be housing the children in.


I left on the fourth day.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Uganda Seguya

I hope you are fine. Just to update you; 2 piglets have already been given to 2 farmers, the librarians have now identified the 10 farmers out of their literacy groups to recieve another 10.

Beautiful times and best wishes,

Uganda Fiona

Dear Don,

I just wanted to let you know that we have received the gifts you kindly donated.  The boxes of exercise books, reading books, spelling books, number lines etc are a real treasure.  At the moment we are gathering together all the donated gifts so we can divide them amongst our 6 teams heading out to Uganda and hopefully get as much through as possible!

We will take a few photos when we are giving everything out as I know you had requested this to put on the unesco website.  It is also good for people to be able to see the donated items being put to good use.  I am leaving in 6 weeks time and won’t be back until the end of August so it will probably be Sep before I can get the photos sent.

If you would like them posted, please give me an address, or I can e-mail them to you.

Many thanks for all your kindness.  I haven’t forgotten about the wish list, once we are out it will give us a better idea of what we really need!

God bless,

Fiona Baxter

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Pan European Classics Competition

Dear Don,

Hope you are well!  I thought you might like an update on the progress of the Cicero Classics competition.

We have entries from as far afield as Liverpool and Sheffield as well as local entries from Hereford, Worcester and Cheltenham, so it should be a good day (even though most schools are only bringing one or two students!)

I almost got a celebrity guest - the novelist and past president of the Classical Association Lindsey Davis tried to rearrange her schedule to fit us in but found it impossible in the end.  She has sent us a signed book as a prize and also French and German versions for the winners in France and Germany.

I am really pleased with the endorsements, sponsorship and prizes I have managed to find.  Please look at the sponsores >UK page where you will see the list (including yourself : thank you again!)

You can see the running order of the day on the main UK page.

We tested the computer program last week and successfully linked with the schools in France and Germany (although the German end could not get their camera to work).  We will test it again this week and plan our 'Eurovision- type' conversations!

I'll let you know how it goes.

Very best wishes,
from Anne

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