Sunday, September 26, 2010

Nepal - Metta Centre

Finances sent to allow the purchase of new traditional costumes for the girls to be in their finest attire for the 10th Anniversary of Metta Centre on 2nd October, 2010. Those who care for our daughters in the Metta Centre deserve our highest level of respect and praise and the girls are proffered our congratualtions on their achievements. Hopefully photographs of the event and the girls to follow.
Photograph is of last year's costumes.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Nigeria - Resource Sharing Network

Firstly, Over the weekend, we received a parcel of books from a Friend and Donor in Netherlands - We really want to say A big thank you to our dear friend -Mrs. Toroti for the gesture and unusual support over the years. God bless.
Secondly, to intimate you that the much awaited GCE examination has started...and, we cannot but wish these young ones profound success!

Our third edition of the Mentoring Orientation/Youth Forum Program comes up in October 23rd, 2010. You might want to save the date. :). Last year, we had the following people on our Guest list.

Mrs. Layi-Babatunde (Lawyer),

Dr. (Mrs) Titi Akinlade (ExxonMobil),

Engr. Hannit (Arik Air)

Young Professionals -Volunteer Mentors

Selected SSS 3 students from different schools with their Parents etc.
For Mentoring Orientation III, we look forward to reaching out to more SSS 3 students with their parents from various schools. Highlights of the program include: Parent Forum, Youth Interactive Session, Mentoring Orientation Program, Icons of Hope Talk etc. Presently, we've got a friend and volunteer Mentor from Singapore here in Nigeria and we are planning to have him speak with the youths...on motivations, aspiration etc.
We look forward to having a great event! For partnership and sponsorship, pls do not hesitate to reply this mail.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Nepal - Well done Binod

Many congratulations to Binod and  all involved - a brilliantly organised science workshop - 66 whiteboards delivered and the possibility of a further 60 being available.  If sufficient people do a little then so much is achieved.

Monday, September 06, 2010

Nigeria - Hope - named after A Ray of hope

Hope demonstrating that she is developing the skills needed to be a future director- general of UNESCO

at home with Technology
and Fashion Conscious

Nepal-- support for Kavre School for the Deaf

Parents of deaf children are forced to keep them far from their home for their education, so the kids don't have to travel long   distan...