Friday, October 14, 2011

Resource Sharing Network from Anu Nigeria

This year, in order to EVALUATE our works and mentorship practice, we
shall not be pairing the youths with anyone, this implies that there
shall be no Mentoring Programme for 2011/2012 session. We intend to do
a follow up on all of our past Mentees-Mentors Relationship, and this
shall be achieved through phonecalls to Youths, Mentors, Visitations
etc. We really want to know how the youths are faring and how much of
their academic visions has been achieved. More details shall be
convened to you as we proceed.

Paula promotes A Ray of Hope's message on Brazil's National Television.

Philippines ----The “Sharing A little Joy at Christmas”

  Many  thanks from A Ray of Hope, UNESCO Youth Ambassador for the Culture of Peace to the proprietors, staff,  and customers of  Aghalee Ce...