Friday, August 16, 2013

Thanks to David Tyler Trust - educational items and expendables for 5 schools in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal.

From Tosin and Resource Sharing Network - Nigeria

Uganda - Phone rangers meet Veronika

Kalpana visits school for the visually impaired - India.

Thanks to David Tyler Trust - workshops in Henny Penny Libraries - India

Uganda - Phone rangers visit Granny and children with supplies from Heather.

Thanks to Davit Tyler Trust - digital equipment purchased for Elfneh and projects in Ethiopia.

Uganda - thanks to Kevin and Carol - Santa's wee Village - and Zuena - toys begin journey to the phone rangers.

Uganda - Office of the "phone rangers" before refurbishment

Nepal-- support for Kavre School for the Deaf

Parents of deaf children are forced to keep them far from their home for their education, so the kids don't have to travel long   distan...