Monday, December 22, 2014

December Update

December Update
1. Henny Penny 35 opens its doors. St. Jude's India ChildCare Centres strive to help very needy children who comes to Mumbai (with accompanying parents) to undergo treatment for and recover from a serious illness, have a clean, safe, comfortable, caring, and cost-free place to stay. The family receives all the information and encouragement they need to develop a positive spirit to fight and overcome the disease, and the child has meaningful opportunities for distraction from the suffering and boredom. India
2. From our friend Bani in India
3. The progress of Basit and family when touched by Tosin and Street to School Initiative, Nigeria.
4. Nepal – in class with Renu and her pupils.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

November Update 2

1. Henny Penny Library No 34. The project Sshrishti CRN is designed  for the community living in five villages of rural Kumaon. The 950 families living in these villages of the watershed belong mostly to the SC/ST communities.  The community suffers from low level of education lack of opportunities for income generation and scarcity of water. Although there are  primary schools and few secondary schools, the children have no knowledge of computers and other resources which are a part of modern education system. They consequently suffer from a lack of knowledge.This is the second of the three resource centres covering five villages to bring digital literacy and library within easy reach of the children in these villages.

2. India Our Friend Bani.

3. Nepal Renu organises her first educational visit to zoological gardens Kathmandu.

4. Philippines Digital camera for rural schools.

5. Uganda  David Tyler School now with an enrolment of 46.


Friday, November 07, 2014

November Update

1. Nepal ; Renu and Dilip get married and first educational visit to zoological gardens.
2. India :  Banu sends us his “jean art”
2. Uganda : Enrolment of David Tyler School increased to 45 – new school uniforms purchased.
3. Nigeria : Ayodele organises two educational visits to Lagos Television Centre.

Friday, September 05, 2014

August and Early September Updates

1. Text books, laminator, MP3 players and digital camera for Ethiopia.
2. 5 Computer packages for The Gambia
3. Digital projector for Nepal
4. Examinations and market gardening David Tyler School, Uganda
5. Montage of Street to School Initiative , Nigeria

Thank you for the support from David Tyler Trust, Heather and many others.

Nepal-- support for Kavre School for the Deaf

Parents of deaf children are forced to keep them far from their home for their education, so the kids don't have to travel long   distan...