Saturday, August 09, 2014

July - August Updates

Many thanks to David Tyler Trust, Ulster Teachers’ Union. Tile Market, Alan and Elaine , Mace Aghalee et al.

1.      Deep Foundation and Henny Penny Libraries workshops, India

2.      Henny Penny Libraries – new study mats for School under the Rainbow. India

3.      Vegetable Garden David Tyler School, Uganda

4.      Digital Projector in use Street to School Initiative, Nigeria

5.      E-learning Centre – Nigeria
Supplies and text books for rural schools Philippines.

Uganda, Nigeria, Philippines - description above.

India - description above

Philippines ----The “Sharing A little Joy at Christmas”

  Many  thanks from A Ray of Hope, UNESCO Youth Ambassador for the Culture of Peace to the proprietors, staff,  and customers of  Aghalee Ce...