Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Starting the new year.

1. Possibly a secret location near you……….. magic, myth or miracle ?
2. Spirit of Christmas VI Philippines – distribution of educational expendables.
3. Brazil – Paula distributes educational expendables.


Sunday, December 20, 2015

December Update 2015

Pre Christmas Update
1. Nepal – Maiya distributes warm clothing and educational expendables to needy schools in rural Nepal. Many thanks to all who supported this venture especially Krishna Maiya and Team and companies in Aghalee.
2. A secret location which maybe in a country near you !!!!!!
3. Brazil – ecological work shops – well done Vera and team
4. Uganda – graduation day David Tyler School – impressive Daniel !!!
5. Nepal – martial arts at the Metta Centre.
6. Brazil – Paula distributes items to needy children on her roadshow.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

November 3

6. Nepal – Maiya begins her plans for new project – refurbishment and resources needed.
7.Nigeria – textbooks for orphanage and school.
8. Nepal – Educational field trip to zoological gardens – great day was had by all.

November 2

4. Nepal – Maiya supports disadvantaged school – love it.
5. Nepal – Metta Centre in Celebrations

November 1

1. Beautiful angels born to Tosin (Nigeria) and Renu (Nepal)
2. Uganda – David Tyler School – uniforms for 16 new pupils
3. Nepal – Krishna finds a village in need of support.

Nepal-- support for Kavre School for the Deaf

Parents of deaf children are forced to keep them far from their home for their education, so the kids don't have to travel long   distan...