Tuesday, May 31, 2016

June Update

1. Uganda : following the possible threat from intruders – not just to our school but the district – the educational authorities decreed that all premises should be secure – Hermitage Secondary School and Vocational Centre therefore needed gates !

2. India : Henny Penny Library 38 – magnificent Sujata and team. The library is situated at Himalaya Public School Village Suyalgarh. This not for profit initiative was started five years back by Mr. Brij Mohan Joshi since the children from his village had to travel very long distances to reach the nearest school for basic education. They started off as a Primary school but today they have extended it to 8th grade, adding one class every year. The school focuses on all round development of the child and provides a platform for many cultural and sporting activities along with academics.

3. Nepal : Maiya visits rural schools to discuss possible areas where she and ourselves might be of assistance.

4. Nigeria : Gladys organises visit to Museum and Bakery. Excellent educational practice following bakery workshops at the school.


Monday, May 16, 2016

May Update

May Update
1. Uganda : Examination time David Tyler School
2. Uganda : Hermitage Secondary School gets first of the new school uniforms – and the security guard also.
3. Nigeria : 2 educational visits to museums – good day had by all
4. Nepal : Maiya visits a rural school some distance from Kathmandu
5. Nepal : Educational visit to site of interest

Nepal-- support for Kavre School for the Deaf

Parents of deaf children are forced to keep them far from their home for their education, so the kids don't have to travel long   distan...