Friday, February 25, 2022

India and Nigeria


India -- Deep  Foundation
The third session on the series - "Facing Challenges in Life"
Thank you Aparna for facilitating this wonderful session on Overcoming Challenges for our senior girls at The School of Happiness. Our girls were extremely motivated and are now more confident about overcoming all the challenges that come their way covering a wide range of issues - from short attention span to depression. We now look forward to some similar sessions for our boys too.
Ijedodo Commun ity School,Iajegun District of Lagos. Kitchen cleanliness, domestic science, health and hygiene; also female emancipation and self reliance – themes preparation pap and fry akara part of  skill acquisition  programme

Philippines ----The “Sharing A little Joy at Christmas”

  Many  thanks from A Ray of Hope, UNESCO Youth Ambassador for the Culture of Peace to the proprietors, staff,  and customers of  Aghalee Ce...