Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Dear Don,

Good Afternoon. I visited Ghana in March 2006 to see the project in Ghana and I send the greetings from the children in Boamah Kwabi Memorial School to you. I observed a lot of progress in the School.

Whilst in Ghana, I had an opportunity to meet members of the above organisation in Kumasi. The name Sinapiaba means Mustard Seed and the organisation is involved in providing small loans to poor entrepreneurs, majority of them women with household income below the poverty line. The organisation also organises HIV awareness Programmes, Youth Apprenticeship Programmes and other Community Development Programmes which are aimed  at alleviating poverty and life deprivation.

They have expressed an interest in receiving support for their youth apprenticeship programme. I made mention of your programmes and activities and a possible opportunity for a future partnership working between your organisation and Sinapiaba Trust.

I wish to request if I can forward your details to the organisation for a possible contact from the Leaders. The Programmes Manager for the Non-Finance Sector is Mrs Josephine Adams.

Thanks for your assistance in this matter and I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Benjamin Ofori

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