Friday, May 30, 2008


Dear Young Nigerian Professionals,
One Dream, One event!!
Come June 13 -14,  at  the Congress Hall of TransCorp Hilton, Abuja, GOTNI Leadership Summit will host five hundred (500) youth delegates from across the country with the theme: Leadership for Transformation: The Imperative Agenda.
The delegates selected for participation will be among Nigeria's most dedicated, talented and most creative young individuals, with a substantial knowledge on the topics and issues to be discussed. Each delegate will have to demonstrate a keen interest in Nigeria's development, and will  be actively engaged in promoting Leadership and good governance in their respective constituencies. Emphasis will be placed on Nigerian youths aged between 18 – 35 years (as Stated in the National Youth Policy),
• Have demonstrated leadership in their different constituencies.
• Are committed to the political, social, and economic development of Nigeria.
• Are actively engaged in civil society and the rebuilding process, and are able to empower others.

A limited number of scholarships will be offered for this Summit for indigent young people or those who cannot truly afford it. However, we strongly encourage applicants to seek outside funding.
Applicants should indicate in their application if they would like to be considered for scholarship.      
  The Conference will be chaired by Senator Anyim Pius Anyim, Fmr. Senate President,
Federal Republic of Nigeria and Senator Akinlabi Olasukanmi,  Honourable Minister for Youth Development as Chief Host. Mr. Gamaliel Onosode (OFR)

Princesses Nepal

Our princesses display their new outfits purchased with the kind assistance of Sabah, her colleagues and students of Bath Univerisity.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Project Hope Uganda

Photograph from the training that Chris Taylor and Clare Meade from National Institute of Adults in Continuing Education (NIACE) were conducting show Project Hope organizations including representatives from Wakiso District, Nangabo Sub-county receiving their successful training sompletion certificates.
Well done all involved.

Monday, May 26, 2008

From Seguya, Uganda

Photographs show Seguya and his ever present attention to the projects he cares so much for... including the recent photographs of our "library" pigs - nearly sufficiently mature to have offspring.

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Our daughters shop for new shoes and two adorned in their new clothes.


A new photograph gallery of more of the experiences of Melanie and Vivienne in Tanzania with their many new friends.

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Friday, May 23, 2008


School in Manicore, Amazonas, Brazil called Garden of Eden.
From Vickie

“Project Hope Uganda” Training with NIACE from Seguya

Please see attached photographs from the training that Chris Taylor and Clare Meade from National Institute of Adults in Continuing Education (NIACE) are conducting here. Project Hope organizations are taking part including representatives from Wakiso District, Nangabo Sub-county.

The training centered, for the first two days, on drawing a strategic plan  for the development of Adult Literacy in Wakiso Districts. I had the opportunity to attend, and personally, it is wonderful. The training is still on-going, and from today to Saturday, it will focus on family learning.

You are right Don, there are organizations, and of-course individuals that need special mention on both our websites; National Institute of Adults in Continuing Education (NIACE) and Chris Taylor and Clare Meade from that organizations who are doing the training and carried supplies down here. Bath University certainly adds to the list.

NIACE also donated four laptops to project hope, we will distribute three of these to the organizations that will have successful proposals. One will help with project hope work. They will be key in setting up a computer lab at Cambridge College.

We came with a new development; we have a room designated for project hope store, where we can keep all non-requested donations as we do the work of informing the organizations that we have them. We also keep in requested donations before they get to the recipients. There is a sub-committee within the project hope committee that looks at all proposals and decides whether or not to grant them. It also helps the organizations with how to improve their proposals if they do not satisfy the sub-committee. The sub-committee's major role is to make that any resources given out by project hope are put to the best of use.

Well done with the new developments on science equipment, school bags and baby clothes. Sure, we can add one other school to project hope, and donate the microscopes. We could possibly distribute the school bags to the existing schools, and the baby clothes can be passed to parents at the ECCD, or to families that we might choose. Everything you mention in the list is very useful.

The pigs are fine, not so far from getting to stage when they should be in a position to bear young.

Beautiful times and best wishes,

Monday, May 19, 2008

Metta Centre, Nepal.

Kids had a wonderful time with marketing the stuff they need. We went not all of them as rest had to do some preparation. Renu is having exam...while Binita is preparing for the college exam tomorrow. All of them want to post their exam sheet when both Renu and Binita get their exam result.We had a wonderful fashion can see them in a very different characteristic the most Nepalese and Indian girls wear when they got out and social function.
Some books are yet to be published by the ministry of have to wait another week or so to buy the text books.  The gilrs had some fast food and went to buy in the sweet shops which you can see in the picture.
Delighted by your were very much benefitted..... all of them send you many thanks and love and hugs
I am sending you pictures...

Cicero European Classics Competition

It was a wonderful day at the Joint Association of Classical Teachers' annual Conference in the British Museum, where Boris Johnson congratulated the winners of the CICERO competition.   The winner of the whole competition was from this country this year!  Ben Slingo from Bedford School was the outright winner of the cultural section on Hercules so the tie-breaker question did not have to be used and he was also the winner of the Upper 6 translation test in the UK Please send this information to Dr. Federico.  I think he would approve of the subject of the Latin translation - a passage where Cicero is examining the reasons why human beings live in communities rather than in isolation from each other, and wondering how the concept of citizenship affects a person's ideas of right and wrong.
Photographs 1. Boris is holding the list of CICERO winners.
2. Professor Thomas Harrison, Chair of the Joint Association of Classical Teachers 3.Anna Bayraktar, Administrator of JACT whose encouragement and support over advertising helped CICERO to get off the ground in the first place last year, and Judith Affleck, the Director of the Conference.
Boris gave an excellent speech in which he paid tribute to all the work done by so many dedicated Classics teachers around the country.  He said it was a disgrace that while there are 70 Classics teachers retiring each year there are only 30 places for training each year.  He said that Classics, far from being an elitist subject, was something which all schoolchildren should have the opportunity to learn and as far as he was concerned, one Classics lesson was more use than ten Citizenship lessons - the theme of the JACT conference was 'Citizenship'.  He pointed out that the people of London had chosen a Classicist as their Mayor!  The Minimus course means that more primary school children are learning Latin and the Cambridge School Classics Project has an initiative (which MSJ has been heavily involved in) to help state schools to offer Latin even if they have no Classics specialist.
Thank you so much for your continuing support,
from Anne
Anne Dicks
Pyrrha's Roman Pages website
CICERO Latin competition website
Suki's own website

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Philippines May, 2008

Dear Melanie,
    Thank you so much for the money that you send to us we received it last April through my sister ( 23,000.00Php).... In regards to Alice she is in grade 2 this coming schooling on first wk. of June.. she is in good condition as well as her family they continue to buy and sell fish and there is a big changes in their family, her eldest sister Vanessa was 3rd year in college this schooling taking up Bachelor in Accountancy she is  intelligent and has an honour in the Class..4 of the Children’s are coming to School this Year.     Apart from this are the Pictures and the Proceeds of the Money you sent.
 We hope to hear from you Soon…We are praying for you to visit us again…
P23,000.00 (Money Disbursement)
    6,000.00 – Vaneza,  Alice eldest sister half semester tuition fee..
    1,000.00 – Alice school supplies
    1,500.00 – Alice school uniform and shoes
    1,000.00 – her brother and sisters school supplies
    7,000.00 –  6 days helping the expenses in the Summer Bible School (136 child,14 mothers -Workbooks, pencils, ball pens, visual aids, chalk, pentel pens, medals,
                       Certificates, ribbons, 6 days children’s biscuits and juices, Teachers
                       and Staff  food for 6 days…
       800.00 –  Transportation during visitation
    1,400.00 – Registrations-14 people praise and worship team attend music talent   exposure.
       600.00 – Music talent exposure transportation and snacks…
    3,700.00 – Add to building Rental for month of April…
 Total= 23,000.00   ( approximately £250 !!!)
                   Thank you so much it was such a great help for us… we are considering that we are already part of your team Sunflower  Philippines …                   
 Jon and Tess

Seguya - Uganda

Seguya has just returned home to Uganda from a very successful visit to the United Kingdom. On his return he brought items that although designated as A Ray of Hope - are from the many supporters of this incredible project. ( more details to follow )

From Mr. Boris Johnson

Mayor of London

The new mayor of London took time from his busy schedule to reciprocate our best wishes and especially his personal "good luck" to Anne Dick and Cicero, the European Classics Competition.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

India Orphanage

Well done Mel, team and all associated with the orphanage in India.
Photographs show the refurbishment with new doors and windows.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Mr. Boris Johnson London UK.

Congratulations to Boris on being elected Mayor of London.
Boris is an avid supporter of the classics and a patron of Cicero - European Schools Classics Competition. This year 5 countries took part. Spain. Andorra, France, Italy, UK - next year we hope for a few more.
Dr. Federico Mayor shares the patronage with the new Mayor of London.

Nepal-- support for Kavre School for the Deaf

Parents of deaf children are forced to keep them far from their home for their education, so the kids don't have to travel long   distan...