Sunday, May 18, 2008

Philippines May, 2008

Dear Melanie,
    Thank you so much for the money that you send to us we received it last April through my sister ( 23,000.00Php).... In regards to Alice she is in grade 2 this coming schooling on first wk. of June.. she is in good condition as well as her family they continue to buy and sell fish and there is a big changes in their family, her eldest sister Vanessa was 3rd year in college this schooling taking up Bachelor in Accountancy she is  intelligent and has an honour in the Class..4 of the Children’s are coming to School this Year.     Apart from this are the Pictures and the Proceeds of the Money you sent.
 We hope to hear from you Soon…We are praying for you to visit us again…
P23,000.00 (Money Disbursement)
    6,000.00 – Vaneza,  Alice eldest sister half semester tuition fee..
    1,000.00 – Alice school supplies
    1,500.00 – Alice school uniform and shoes
    1,000.00 – her brother and sisters school supplies
    7,000.00 –  6 days helping the expenses in the Summer Bible School (136 child,14 mothers -Workbooks, pencils, ball pens, visual aids, chalk, pentel pens, medals,
                       Certificates, ribbons, 6 days children’s biscuits and juices, Teachers
                       and Staff  food for 6 days…
       800.00 –  Transportation during visitation
    1,400.00 – Registrations-14 people praise and worship team attend music talent   exposure.
       600.00 – Music talent exposure transportation and snacks…
    3,700.00 – Add to building Rental for month of April…
 Total= 23,000.00   ( approximately £250 !!!)
                   Thank you so much it was such a great help for us… we are considering that we are already part of your team Sunflower  Philippines …                   
 Jon and Tess

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