Saturday, September 20, 2008

Essay Competition Nigeria

Good People..

As we await the September edition of Development Report Magazine, and while keeping in line with our Vision and Mission, we will like to introduce yet another project, but this time Developmental in nature.

The Real Nigeria Project, an initiative of Development Report Magazine is an annual essay competition open to Nigerian youths between 18 - 35yrs. The aim of the project is to get the youth to think up simple and practical solutions to societal issues.

The theme is this years Competition is

"The MDG's and my Community: what Impact?"

The competition will run between 22nd of September and 8th of December after which 3 winners will be selected based on certain criteria by an evaluation team.

The winners will go home with $500, $400 and $300 respectively and their winning entries will be published on the competitions website.

The cash prizes will be presented to the winners at an event on the 24th of January 2009.

So what are you waiting for... stop complaining... Be the change! Look around your community for that problem that you are most passionate about. Think up simple, realistic, and practicable ways through which you can solve them. Put your solutions in an essay format of not more than 1,500 words and send to

Who knows, you might be the winner of $500.

Details of the essay can be found online at

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