Thursday, November 13, 2008

Netherlands - Dutch Prison Art

The Dutch prison JI Vught is full of art work.

Laws in the Netherlands says that 1% of the building cost of public buildings must be spent on art activities. Here are some of the stunning ideas that made the prisons an odd place compared to the normal dull looks of wires, cameras and bars

A book called OPEN is a result of the same Dutch rule that 1% of building costs must be spend for arts. Inmates and staff from JI Vught in the Netherlands have taken photos in the prison and filled in questionnaires on their favorite images and dreams.

Artist H. W. Werther worked over a year on the project.

The mix of photos from the prison and photos reflecting the dreams of inmates and staff was printed in the book. The book does not contain words but only the images.

There is a copy of OPEN in all cells and inmates are welcome to bring it with them on release.

You have to be an inmate of Vught in order to receive a copy of this extraordinary book.

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