Monday, December 01, 2008

UK to Brazil with love - Vickie

Bom Dia Escola Jardim do Eden!
Esperamos que voces sao feliz.
Aqui nos estamos mandando uns desenhos que nos fizemos para voces para natal.
Os desenhos mostram as temas que nos gostamos durante natal. Nos adornar um arvore em nossas casas, com coisas bonitas que nos fazemos, como estrelas, luz, e qualquer coisinha. Se chegar neve, nos fazemos boneco de neve! E branco, fofinho e frio. Nos fazemos bola de neve e jogar para tudo a gente! As pocas da agua tornar-se gelo, podemos andar em cima das pocas deste jeito!
O maioria das arvores perderem as folhas deles, (ate Marco, quando vao crescendo do novo). Os arvores quem nao perderem as folhas deles, sao os arvores que nos levar pra casa, (nome deles chamaram ' Pine ') durante o mes de Dezembro, e adornar o arvore 'Pine' para celebrar natal.
Nos vamos fazer un festival, com nossas familias, fazemos comida assada, un peru com batata e legumes. Gostoso!
Esperamos que voces ter uma boa natal,
Ate logo, Abracos,
Escola South Molton, Inglaterra.
Traducao para Ingles:
Good Morning Garden of Eden School!
We hope that you are happy.
Here we are sending you some designs that we made for you for christmas.
The designs show themes that we like during christmas. We decorate a tree in our house, with pretty things that we make, like stars, lights, and whatever other things. If snow arrives, we make a snowman! It is white, soft and cold.
We make snowballs and throw them at everyone! The puddles of water turn into ice, we are able to walk on top of the puddles this way!
Most of the trees loose their leaves, (until March, when they grow again). The trees that do not loose their leaves, they are the trees that we take to our house, (their name is called ' Pine' tree) during the month of December, and decorate the 'Pine' tree to celebrate christmas.
We will make a festival, with our families, we make roasted food, a turkey with potatoe and vegetables. Delicious!
We hope that you have a good Christmas,
Bye-bye, Hugs, South Molton School.

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