Friday, May 15, 2009

Northern Ireland, Ireland and Nigeria - a message of thanks.

This epitomises the essence of what we in A Ray of Hope attempt to achieve i.e. we make friends and help when we can.
In Nigeria, Anu, has many pillars to Resource Sharing Network - the mentor/mentee education mentoring initiative - the orphanage and school for children with hearing difficulties - and the award scheme and essay competition. Sometimes it is difficult to assist but we try.
Finances were provided by Ulster Teachers' Union and trophies by CP Trophies and Engraving (Northern Ireland). These were given to Kevin and Carol (Northern Ireland) and then passed to Kevin's brother, Gerry, (Ireland) who works in Nigeria. Gerry brought them from Ireland to Nigeria and couriered them to Anu in Lagos. All of the items are now in Anu's possession and we can attempt to distribute them in the most effective and appropriate manner. A big thank you to everyone involved. Don


Linda said...

Development of Peace, Coming together, an Undivided world, what a vision. Just the thought of that makes me smile. Best of luck with your mission. I will be praying for a Ray of Hope.

A Ray of Hope said...

On behalf of Resource Sharing Network, I want to say a very big thank you to Don McBurney, Ulster Teachers' Union and CP Trophies for the provision. We appreciate it. To Kelvin, Carol and Gerry . . . .we are not ungrateful of your concerted efforts. We appreciate the inconveniences we put you through. Thank you so much. God Bless You all.


Nepal-- support for Kavre School for the Deaf

Parents of deaf children are forced to keep them far from their home for their education, so the kids don't have to travel long   distan...