Thursday, November 12, 2009

Nigeria - mentoring programme from Anu

HELP LINE: Simple Tips & Practices that make mentoring relationship work!

1. Assign a day or two days of the week to communicate with your Mentee e.g. Every Tuesdays and Thursdays or strictly weekends! It might be in the early hours, afternoon or evening time. Communicate
thus, with your Mentee.
2. Build a healthy relationship. Cultivate a friendly environment for your Mentee to ask Questions and feel free also to ask your Mentee questions. Don't limit your questions to Academics alone, since there
are factors that are responsible for academic performances.
3. Be a friend, Listen more.
4. Care to pay a surprise visit to your Mentee's House or School? It shows how much you care.
5. Get to know/meet with your Mentee's friend(s), Parents, Principal etc.
Watch out for more tips. . . . . .
You are invited

On the 18th and 19th of November, 2009, Resource Sharing Network shall be paying a School Visit to our participating Mentees from Ikeja Senior High School and Babs Fafunwa Millennium High School respectively. Time 11:00a.m - 12:0Onoon daily. Should you be interested in attending, RSVP Bayo on 08033957518 or Call Celestina on 08033003854

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