Thursday, December 31, 2009

Report 2009 A Ray of Hope

Report 2009

2009 over and a wonderful year for A Ray of Hope – a plethora of events by those who wished to make a difference for those who needed the difference made. Most of the notable happenings appear in our journal and since 2010 is where we now must aim, then the summary will be concise.

Educational and miscellaneous supplies were delivered to 14 countries, over 20 projects of miscellaneous type were both initiated and developed in 12 countries. 8 new organisations affiliated and the foundation stones for two further groupings were laid.

The journals appear to have been effective with Pour Les Femmes attracting over 30,000 views and 140 women from across the globe dedicating their support. YouTube proved to have been a different way of promoting project visits and reports and many new friends were gained from YouTube and Face Book. Some offering assistance to further individual initiatives.

8 major companies and organisations continued their generous support.

It was also a year of celebration on the birth of “new little” members of A Ray of Hope – with Hope being born to Anu and living in Lagos, the same city as Ray, who blossoms in his young life.

Our sincere thanks to the many individuals, groups, organisations and companies whose contributions and assistance are both valued and necessitous.

Further information on all the projects can be found at

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