Sunday, June 13, 2010

Nepal Metta Centre beautiful new daughters and examination results

It does not get better than this !!!!
In 2003 we became friends with Piya, the staff and our daughters at the Metta Centre Nepal.
Piya, the director gave guidance of the highest quality, the staff loved and cared for the little ones, and in return our daughters showed much enthusiasm and endeavour in school.
By the day our flowers grow and blossom.
The congratulations of all in A Ray of Hope is extended to our daughters and the many people at the Metta Centre and around the world who have in anyway assisted our girls on their path to being very beautiful young ladies.
See below the first photograph we received in June, 2003.
From caterpillars to butterflies.

All your daughters are fine. Please fine their group picture and new daughters pictures.

New daughters names are 1. karuna 8 years old, class grade 4 2. Reshma age 10 grade 5.

We have now 15 kids with two new entry. All other kids are in grade 10, 9 and 8 respectively. They were second top students in Nepal. Imagine top students from Nepal that Metta Center produced. Binita, Renu were top level students in Nepal too which they were graduated.

Love from kids


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