Saturday, August 28, 2010

Hungary - Melanie and Girl Guides visit Hungary

Three years ago, Ruth Riggs,( GirlGuide and Rangers leader) and I had just talked about the possibility of taking Guides and Rangers, from Stoke-on-Trent, out to Hungary to the poor villages, to experience the poverty, at. It was suggested that maybe the girls could interact with the children, and do some activities with them. Music and dance, games and sport is always the best introduction to our children in underprivileged villages in Hungary and Romania. August 10th this year was the planned date.

The girls were excited and apprehensive at the same time. Ruths husband Liam, drove one of the 3 cars that we hired, to take us from Budapest, up to the Romanian Borders.

Dani and Kati Beri, the Pastors of the local village Church, recieved them with open arms and a very warm welcome. Hungarian hospitality is first class, and the girls enjoyed eating true Hungarian Goulash on their arrival.

On the way, I took the girls to Bag, to see Ishtvan and David, and the people in the little village under the mountain. There we did a little programme of singing and dancing, and head, shoulders, knees, and toes, went down great

The next stop was in Hadjunnanas, to meet my friend Balasz, who works with special needs children. They were camping in a park area, and we were asked to join them. There were children in wheel chairs, and some of the bigger children had autism, and all them from very poor homes. There were a lot of Romany children. The parents were not allowed in, and waited all day outside on the grass. No Roma allowed. Once again the girls did their, head shoulders, knees and toes. I did a sketch about 3 men with disabilities. We ate together, potatoes, and paprika, and onion, it was delicious(fenom).....washed down with peach juice.

The weather was extremely hot, and the air was void of oxygen, or so it seemed. We continued up to Nyirbeltek, where we arrived around about 8.30pm..

The Girls had their first experience of another world, and another culture, and of a people who love with passion, regardless of their financial status, and living conditions.

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