Sunday, January 30, 2011

India - New Delhi Update from Sujata

Seema, Girish Karan, Mangal Radhey, Bhawna Rinki Kamlesh, Bimlesh
Rachna, Naina Anjali Amarchand Deepak Aman Ram
Some of them are siblings - as indicated and some have older siblings in our other groups.
Their parents are all doing odd jobs - pulling rickshaws, ironing clothes, working as house help, plumber, construction workers, etc... They are all very poor - mostly migrants from very poor states - Bihar and Uttar Pradesh - essentially daily wagers...
They do not have proper houses/rooms to live in... not very different from the photographs of dwelling units in Kenya... but certainly marginally better conditions...
The lack of money forces the parents to have more and more children so that they could all start earning and contributing...Education is not a priority... However, counselling of parents for investing in their children's education(provided free by the government) for the promise of a better life is their sole motivation. Their motivation needs to be reinforced from time to time.... :-))
Our RWA has now agreed to help us get some more space for accommodating more children...I don't know how and where but at least their concurrence means a lot...Will keep you in the loop o'course...

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