Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Employment Opportunities with DFID

“The coalition government is motivated by a shared determination to erode ehe terrible inequalities of opportunity that we see around the world today. We are not prepared to stand by as a billion or more eke out an existence on less than a dollar a day or as women and children die needlessly in their thousands.”
Andrew Mitchell, Secretary of State for International Development.
Would you like to help DFID rise to the challenge of reducing world poverty and do all that we can
to achieve the Millennium Development Goals?

DFID anticipates the need to increase our capacity to provide international development advice around the developing world. We will build a pool of professional advisers that we can call upon quickly as the programme expands in the coming months.

Vacancies will be based in our overseas offices and UK headquarters (London and East Kilbride, Scotland). Many vacancies will be in post-conflict and conflict affected countries and you will be required to visit and work in such countries during your first few years of employment with DFID.

We are looking for specialists in the fields of: Governance, Conflict, Humanitarian, Livelihoods & Agriculture, Private Sector Development, Health, Evaluation, Education,Infrastructure, Social Development, Climate & Environment,Economics, and Statistics.

Levels of experience required will vary as we are looking for Senior Advisers, Advisers and Assistant Advisers.

DFID is an equal opportunities employer and selection is on merit.

Candidates should be UK nationals, nationals of a member state f the European Economic Area (EEA), Swiss or Turkish Nationals or Commonwealth citizens.

To find out more about our vacancies please visit our website


Closing date for applications: 25 March 2011.


Leading the British government’s fight against world poverty.

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