Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Cross Cultural Exchange visit Philippines : Thanks to David Tyler Trust.

Greetings from Cagayan de oro Philippines!!Special greetings from Manobos of San Fernando Bukidnon!    This is our short account of activities done in "the manobo visits to First Fruit Academy" Valencia Bukidnon . This is a kind of manobo children exposures to a conventional private school which is far different from their local experience in their own arena of education and environment. It was a wonderful experience between the manobo children and the pupils of First fruits Academy...First,we had a courtesy call to the principal of the school, then the children were brought to one of their class (social studies class) and  there were exchanged of greetings between students( the manobos and first fruits) and short introductions about them and the purpose of the visit and  followed by dance and song presentations by the manobo kids to show a little bit of their arts and culture. Then after few minutes, the children proceeded to their computer laboratory and they were taught how to operate the computer and play games a short while... after that finally we came to the lantern making which the firstt fruits students taught the manobo kids thought the instruction and demonstration of one of the First Fruits teacher on how to make a lantern through origami. It was fun and it took time to finish until the manobo kids were able to make their own.... it was a great learning on the part of the manobo children and also a great learning to the host school about the culture of these tribal kids....surely those unique experiences will remain in their memories....In behalf of the Association of Solidarity for Prosperity Incorporated would like to thank you for the never ending  support for our project. Especially in this field of education and culture of peace. Thank you so much.Very sincerely yours,Glorecita Tanpresident ASPI





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