Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Nepal - Police Community Relations


Collection boxes Aghalee and Aghagallon   

Project in  Nepal    18th May, 2023

Many  thanks from A Ray of Hope, UNESCO Youth Ambassador for the Culture of Peace to the proprietors, staff,  and customers of  Aghalee Centra, Aghalee Pharmacy, Aghalee  Building and Agricultural Supplies,  and Hannons  Fruit and Vegetables, Aghagallon.  

On this occasion our attention changed country to Nepal.  As drug abuse is one of the serious issues among young people in Nepal, it's important to reach young people in school and make them critically aware. We are hoping that after this programme students will  have enhanced knowledge about drug abuse, related laws and avoid the pitfalls associated with illegal drug use whilst disseminating their knowledge to others. This initiative also promotes police community relations and mutual respect.

Programme on drug abuse was conducted in Panga Secondary School in Kirtipur, Kathmandu today. School committee was formed by community police to raise voice against drug abuse as well. In total 50 students participated in the programme.

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