Thursday, November 03, 2005

Charity for African Welfare and Development

Pamela McClean, CAWD, Nigeria.
Charity for African Welfare and Development.


It is a great pleasure to welcome CAWD ( pronounced Card ) into the fold of A Ray of Hope and also that Pamela McClean has agreed to be our liaison and advisor for Nigeria.

CAWD brings together local knowledge of problems of African Welfare and Development with knowledge and resources from the wider community. It uses the Internet to bring the two together to enable change. CAWD's vision and strategies spring from the challenges and opportunities of this century. 

·      The Internet

·      Digital technologies - computers, phones, TV, radio, cameras and suchlike 

·      Inequalities of provision and opportunity  

·      Media channels enabling the rich to know more about the poor and the poor to know more about the rich

·      New opportunites for communication and collaboration - across continents and across cultures

·      The need for new approaches and solutions to the problems of African Welfare and Development 


Already planning has commenced to organise educational supplies deliveries, art and sporting competitions.


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