Thursday, November 03, 2005

Current Projects and Status.

Current Projects and Status:



1. Nepal


 Finances required for the welfare of “our princesses in the Metta Centre.  (4 months   requirements now sent)  Piya


2. Romania.


Fleeces needed for school.  (Sent today)   Laura


3. Romania.


Finances needed for refurbishment of a classroom. (Guaranteed)  Laura


4.  Serbia.


Basic educational supplies – pencils, erasers, rulers needed.  (Obtainable)  Melanie 


5. Uganda


Finances needed to produce new scenery for the Carrier Pigeons  Dance/Drama/Music group.  (75% achieved)  Vickie.


6. Sierra Leone.


Awaiting word, will be updated soon. Aminatta


7. India.


Educational posters required.  –Obtained- (To be packaged and posted to England for  onward delivery)


8. Jordan


Fleeces and similar needs for 60 children.  (75% achieved)  Paige.


9. Belarus.


Cameras needed for the schools to display and promote their work in the School for Art and Music and School for Diagnostics and Development. (Guaranteed)  Don.


Dance and Music supplies needed for School of Art and Music.  – Obtained- (Will be hand delivered in March/April.)    Don


10. Nigeria.


 Trophies and Medals for school competitions.   (New Today)  Pamela.

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India - miscellaneous photographs from language development workshops

    India - miscellaneous photographs from language development workshops - literature appreciation and constructive use of free time.