Friday, January 27, 2006

Paige Kimberley, Jordan




On my first visit I visited the schools and spoke with the Minister of Education.


I wrote an article which was published in a Jordanian magazine which has since taken up the cause of poverty amongst the children targeting schools.

The greatest concern for the schools was the adverse weather conditions in  winter and the lack of heating/ windows/ doors and the poverty of the children meant they were too cold to study.  The Government was undertaking a goal of supplying computers to some schools whilst many were without the basic equipment.

Since that visit the Government, particularly the Department of Education have undertaken a programme to supply coats to the children of the poor schools in Jordan.





My second visit was two fold.  I wanted to establish representatives who are more able to continue raising awareness within the country, especially with the Government and ensuring the momentum is continued.  I also delivered warm clothing for the children.

I have utilized my links with the British community in Jordan to ensure a path of delivery is in place and managed and that the needs are kept on the agenda and in the public eye.


Both visits have been of enormous benefit reaping a response beyond my expectations. I have engaged with key individuals, raised awareness and more critically

brought the issues to the people who can and have made changes.

A significant shift in thinking is taking place and the needs of the children are being addressed.  More importantly a willingness by the Jordanian authorities to address these issues is gradually being displayed.

Paige Kimberley

Find out more about Jordan


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