Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Baladna: Association For Arab Youth

2006 Work camps Descriptions




                                               Contact Details:


Tel:  972-4-8523035 Fax: 972-4-8523427 Mobile: 972-52-4403634

E-mail: info@baladnayouth.org Web site: www.baladnayouth.org

Address: P.O. BOX 99604, Haifa 31996 Israel

I.                    Organization and Workcamp descriptions (english)


A.     Introduction


Baladna - Association for Arab Youth is a developmental and capacity building agency for Arab-Palestinian youth in Israel. It was established in 2000, and officially registered in 2001. Baladna works with Arab-Palestinian youth to work towards not being institutionally marginalized and to gain more equality with the Jewish majority in Israel.  Resistance to official discrimination aims to deepen connections to Palestinian identity and encourage community development.


The association encourages Arab-Palestinian youth to address discrimination by Israel’s educational and governing institutions. Baladna directly mobilizes young people through educational programs and cultural activities. The association also collaborates with agencies promoting Arab-Palestinian youth and helps build their leadership capabilities.


B.      Baladna’s International Activities


Baladna has strong relationships with partners in Israel, Palestine and abroad. Baladna has hosted volunteers through the European Commission’s European Voluntary Service (EVS) in 2002 and 2003 and in 2002, facilitated international exchanges on human rights issues that effect Palestinians in Israel and in Palestine. This enabled intercultural exchange between European and Palestinian youth.


In August 2002, Baladna organized the first two-week workcamp at Halleessa, the most underprivileged Arab-Palestinian neighbourhood in Haifa. This work camp aimed at renovating the neighbourhood’s houses, cleaning streets, planting trees and energizing the local community. Arab-Palestinian and Jewish volunteers, as well as volunteers from Japan, the US, Canada, Spain and France, took part in activities such as painting, reading and writing, teaching English, sports, and theatre performances.


For more info about Baladna please visit our Web site : www.baladnayouth.org


All Inscriptions should be sent to:  volunteer@baladnayouth.org


Or fax number

Fax: 972-4-8523427 



1) Sakhnen work camp


Dates :                             1-14\7\2006

Place:                              Sakhnen, Heart of the Galilee / Israel

Hosting Organization:   Baladna and Sakhnen Municipality

Work Type:                     Environmental & Gardening & Painting

Number of Volunteers:  20 International

Participation Fee:         150 Euros

Accommodation:          In municipal social centre.




Local Community and Project Description

Sakhnin is a very old town, which dates back 3,500 years. The town is situated in the heart of the Galilee and has holy sites for Muslims, Christians and Jews.
The town is built over three hills. It is 200-250 meters above sea level, and it is located in a valley surrounded by mountains, the highest of them is 602 meters high.
Today there are over 20,000 inhabitants in Sakhnin and most of them make a living from businesses, light industry, and construction work within the neighboring cities.

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