Friday, June 02, 2006


Dear Don

Thanks alot for your valuable ideas. The whole thing came about after my discussions with officials from the Charity "Computers for African Schools" which has supplied a lot of refurbished second hand computers to Zambia, Malawi and few in Tanzania. They are ready to support Zanzibar but the issue of shipping costs came. In most cases they do find sponsors to ship them but I also wanted to explore as well possibilities of getting financial partners who can work with "computers for African schools" to support Zanzibar. In Zanzibar, we recently passed a new education policy which make secondary education (Form i-iv) universal and compulsory and the use of ICT across the curriculum is one of the key components of the new policy.  Therefore all our secondary schools which will reach about 300 when the policy is fully operational will be in desperate need of computers, laboratory equipments and science textbooks.  As a former British colony, our science curricula is not very different from the one in UK and most science textbooks are quite relevant.

Since I will be here for some time up February 2008, I am trying to look for networks that could support education in Zanzibar in any area.  I definitely welcome your ideas and let us discuss further to see how your organisation could be of help.  Also I will appreciate if you could let me know of any institutions which might have interest in supporting education In Zanzibar.

As islands we do not have many resources to attract big companies, although tourism is becoming very significant. But also because of our smallness, very little can have a very big impact on the well being of our people. 

Let us continue to share ideas and hopefully something of mutual benefit might



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