Sunday, October 17, 2010

Nigeria Resource Sharing Network


Trust your week has been good, happy weekend!!

Last week Friday, was such an awesome day for all of us who visited

high school students within the metropolis of Lagos. We had a Mentor

visit the students in their schools....:) . Find pictures attached...

It was such a refreshing time, as "Le Dynamique Professeur" Samuel

Ekundayo fed the youths with inspiring words of life and of wisdom.

Samuel E, profoundly called Ldp is an exciting young man who left the

shore of Nigeria some years back, started his PhD degree at the age of

23!..and still matching on....dreaming on and on....He is such a young

professional with a good spirit and sound mind who is so passionate of

young people. Starting PhD at such a young age is a 'mirage' and

almost impossible in this part of the world, and reasons why this is

so, aren't far fetched, and i know those of us in here, can attest to

it.....ASUU strike, unstable educational system, etc.

The decision to have him as our Guest Speaker was to inspire a cadre

of young people. Already, enough has been said about the distractions

our youths face in the society, the pressure to be a millionaire

overnight without having to work for it, the negative influence of

entertainments, technology, models etc.Truly, some of them have very

bad role models and all these are eating deep into their lives and

systems.....Most recently, due to the new education policy by the

Lagos State Education Board, a very high percentage of SSS 2 students

couldn't make it into SSS 3. Now, we have very few classes of SSS 3 in

most public schools in Lagos State....and very few students, compared

to what we used to have in time past...I know this might be a strategy

to raise qualify students to write the next WAEC exams....let's hope

things work out as planned. :) But, my concern in here, is that while

most of these young people were demoted because they couldn't pass

specified compulsory's saddening that majority of these

students REFUSED to go back to repeat their classes....the new policy

hit them real hard and at such.....they find it difficult to repeat

classes only because they didn't pass English and Mathematics at

once!They choose not to register into their new classes and decided to

completely stay away from school....

Now, the concern is ....what is the future of such kids....who have

decided to stay off school....?

Yesterday, we were able to visit two schools and we were gladly met by

their Principals, School Counsellors and teachers, We sincerely hope

that our objective of exposing these kids to successful young

professionals like Samuel would help them think straight and know that

whatsoever the mind can conceive, it can ACHIEVE.....but, they've got

to DREAM ON....and keep their dreams alive....

We look forward to visiting more schools this coming week....


Our next Mentoring cycle begins in November and our annual Orientation

Forum has been post poned from the 23rd of this month to the 6th of

November, 2010. And, due to the greater number of Mentees/Students

that we've got to reach out to, we hope to pair more than ONE mentee

to a MENTOR. Hence, we would like to read from as many of our Mentors

who would prefer to mentor more than one students.... pls send us a


Thank YOU.

RSN -Reaching out to YOUNG PEOPLE

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