Sunday, October 10, 2010

A Ray of Hope

Sorry for the delay in the updates as life has been rather hectic.
Updates not in any order but as they come to me.
1. Thank you to Ann for her donation of many toys and packed pencil cases ideal for Hungary/Romania amongst other places. Thank you
2. Metta Centre Nepal celebrates its 10th anniversary - photographs to follow ( new traditional costumes purchased for all of the girls )
3. Jenny returns from her projects in South Africa - photographs to follow
4. Next trip to Belarus November - gardening equipment for the special school for diagnostics and leotards for the school for art and music supplied by David Tyler Trust and Roch Valley resp. Thank you
5. New FaceBook group A Ray of  Hope another strand for friendship.
6. Melanie attending the first Romani Women's Conference EU  in Barcelona
7. New video for International National Peace Day 2011 loaded on YouTube - thanks to Paula Eduarda (Brazil) Reet (Estonia) Kay (UK)
8. Seguya's parliamentary campaign progressing well in Uganda
9. "Ray" and  "Hope" thriving in Lagos Nigeria.
10. Paula Eduarda reaches the finals of Brazilian Talent Competition
11. New journal in South Korea our thanks to Serena
12. Sujata's projects developing favourably in Kashmir, India.
13. Binod organised science teacher workshops in Nepal
14. Some money becoming available soon for further support to 5 projects
15.  Gardening tools to be purchased for Lunch4Learning in Uganda
16. Monthly logos for A Ray of Hope designed each month by Snejana in Bulgaria - music composed monthly by Reet in Estonia.
17. Educational supplies sent to Ghana
18. Competition trophies sent to Sierra Leone

and we are having a bit of a lull !!!! Best wishes and thanks from us all to those who deserve our appreciation and esteem. Apologies as I am certain to have left something out.

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Nepal-- support for Kavre School for the Deaf

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