Monday, October 31, 2005

Seguya's Plan.

A Ray of Hope and Kabubbu Community Library partnering with the
youth in Uganda

UNESCO Youth  Ambassador

For the culture of Peace



  1. Develop a Reading Culture, in “Read that Book"
  2. To develop a habit of Saving, in “Save that Coin, Save that note" 

 Eleven Reasons why you should Develop a Habit of Saving


Any financial investment is a result of saving. Saving equals investment

  • In both short and long-run, saving creates financial security necessary for your prosperity
  • Saving ensures you a bright financial future
  • Only saved money can save you from borrowing, and ensure you own your finances
  • Sooner/later, you’ll find that the ray of financial hope for a young man/woman who has no rich family background lies in saving some of the money that gets in his/her hands
  • Saving shall always be the number one step to take to eradiate poverty
  • Saving will help you develop other habits necessary for success
  • Saving will help you handle any emergencies that would otherwise blow you out if you didn’t have ready money
  •  Opportunities of success have a habit of flying right to those who have developed a habit of saving
  • Saving is a sacrifice, and it can convince you that you can handle any challenges you may meet in your life
  • Any other you can think of
  •       Save a certain amount of all money that gets in your hands. Even out of 100/=, you can save 50/=
  •        Start now, you can’t drive until you start your car. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll drive



Ten Reasons you should Develop a reading Culture



Reading widens your scope of knowledge, as well of wisdom

  • Reading improves the creativity of your mind
  • Reading will help you discover and/develop your talents and skills
  • Only when you read shall you be able to effectively lead others. Great leaders are readers
  • Good readers are good writers
  • Reading will save you from being taken advantage of by others
  • Reading will help you better understand “others” so you’ll never have to engage in a fight of any sort  
  • Reading is a highly productive pastime .
  • If you’re at school, reading will help you better understand what you’re taught and also help you pass highly
  • Any others you’re thinking of.

“A person with information and knowledge will finally be left with one big beautiful challenge; organizing and directing it to constructive ends”. – Seguya Pius


Indeed, A Ray of Hope is with us, and we can hope for a better future.

Seguya in Kabbubu, Uganda

Seguya Pius Uganda is an exceptional young man with much charisma and a great desire to improve the conditions in the milieu in which he lives. He has been inspirational in A Ray of Hope's development in Uganda and assists Vickie, our liaison, whenever he can. Seguya is both a doer and a thinker.... attached are his thoughts on reading and saving which he hopes to develop into an awareness campaign. Well done Seguya.  

St Paul's

Photo 1

Lord Nilesh Parekh (Hon Treasurer); Mrs Marivere Furneaux; William Say; Catherine Pluyggers; David Wardrop (Chairman); Rudi Albesa (Hon Secretary) United Nations Association Westminster Branch  

Photo 2
Don reading an extract from United Nations Charter in St. Paul’s Cathedral.

Photo 3
David Wardrop, newly appointed London Liaison for A Ray of Hope and Chairman of Westminster Branch UNA, His Highness Prince Mohsin Ali Khan, Canon Simon Reynolds St. Paul’s Cathedral.

Photo 4
Prof Ian Hall; AN Other ; Bianca Madison-Vuleta (a committee member) and two teachers from A Ray of Hope.

Warm Wishes

Sir Patrick Cormack F.S.A. M.P.
Chairman of the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee


I would like to thank you all for making such a magnificent contribution to a memorable service, and for singing so beautifully in the crypt afterwards. It was an enormous privilege and pleasure to have you with us and I personally hope to have the delight of hearing the choir again.

With renewed thanks and warmest good wishes to you all.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Album addition

Stephen McCreight and Matthew Cooper experience at first hand the music of West Africa played by their new friend, Sherrifo. The Manding people of West Africa are families of hereditary musicians and historians, the story tellers of their region. Sherrifo comes from one the most famous of the jali or ‘griot’ families, his whole life steeped in this rich tradition. He plays the Kora, a 21-string gourd harp, considered to be Africa's greatest musical instrument. The earliest references dates it back to the eighteenth century though it may be older. It is unique to the Manding people of West Africa, known for the remarkable virtuosos who have played such a vital role in their societies over the centuries, recording orally the history and genealogy of their people, noting customs, laws, archives and composing songs honouring famous figures.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

A Very Special Photo Album.

New friends on a memorable day, in a prestigious building in the presence of Her Majesty, The Queen.
on Monday, 24th October, 2005.
Commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of United Nations

Friday, October 28, 2005

Good Wishes

From our dear friend Dame Mary Peters.
Northern Ireland
  Dear Don,   Congratulations & best wishes to the choir for their performance at St Paul's.   Best wishes,   Mary P.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

New Liaison and Advisor for London

It gives me the greatest pleasure to inform members of A Ray of Hope that David Wardrop will be our Liaison and Advisor for London and assist with Special Projects.

 As those who were in London know, the opportunity given to the children and teachers of A Ray of Hope came from David. The most magnificent of administrators and a wonderful friend. 


David is a board member of the United Nations Association and is Chairman of UNA Westminster. He serves as Administrator of Strategies for Peace which is developing a new Virtual Library for Peace Support Operations. He is Secretary of the UK Friends of the Alexandria Library and Secretary of the Hammersmith & Fulham Local Agenda 21 Forum. David Joined UNA in 1977 and served on UNA-Marylebone's Committee 1977-1980. He was Chairman of the London &SE Region 1984-97; and from 1988-1993 he was Chairman of UNA's Finance and General Purposes Committee. Throughout this period, David has played a major role in a number of UN - UNA sponsored projects, conferences and events. In recent times these have included the Hans Correll International Law Lecture and attending the UN Conference in New York on Millennium Development Goals: Civil Society Takes Action.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

A Ray of Hope" described as the "Pride of London".

 A Ray of Hope" described as the "Pride of London".

The event to commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the founding of the United Nations in the presence of Her Majesty, The Queen and HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, in St. Paul's Cathedral on Monday, 24th October, 2005 was a memorable occasion. Representatives from many nations of the world gave thanks for the endeavours of the United Nations all wishing that our earth would be a global milieu for peace.
"A Ray of Hope" thanks Rt. Hon. Mr. Tony Blair Prime Minister and Mrs. Blair,  Rt. Hon Lord Ashdown KBE,  Rt. Hon. Michael Howard QC MP Leader of the Conservative Party, Rt. Hon Charles Kennedy Leader of the Liberal Democrats, Mr. Charles Clarke Secretary of State to the Home Office, Lord Michael Ancram MP for giving of their precious time to speak to the children before the service of commemoration. One child described the experience as a surreal fantasy. Full report and photographs to follow shortly.............

 View Press Releases in Comments.

Well Wishers

From Sun of Baghdad Iraq.  

Wish you luck at your performance.   I'm not forgetting you, but intending to send you some info. after you finish your performance.   Once again, I wish you all the success.   Haider  

Nepal - Metta Centre   Wish you all the Success of the Programme Today.   Love and Hope from Himalayan Princesses   Piya  

CEWC UK   the service was most meaningful and significant. The Ray of Hope choir were so beautiful. It was good to shake your hand.   I'm so pleased to have been there.   Les

The Legendary Jimmy White meets A Ray of Hope  

Members of A Ray of Hope, when they thought that their minutes of meeting people were over, had a surprise waiting for them at Heathrow when they spent time with the legendary Jimmy White.  

Jimmy White  is an English professional snooker player. He is almost certainly the most popular player on the circuit (he is often introduced at matches as "the most popular player the game has ever known") due to his combination of natural play and a 'lovable rogue' image

White grew up in London  with fellow snooker player Tony Meo and the two of them used to skip school in order to play snooker. It is rumoured that his headmaster allowed him to practise snooker in the afternoons, in return for school attendance in the mornings.

He has won nine ranking tournaments, including the British Open (in 1987 and 1992) and the UK Championship (in 1992). However, the World Championship title has remained elusive, despite reaching the final six times (starting in 1984, and then each year from 1990 to 1994). He has thus been described by many commentators as "the greatest player never to win the World Championship.

Melanie Reports from Serbia


Hi Don   Here are some pictures of the children in the school. A lovely orthodox priest called Peter the Priest, who was wondering who we were, and why we came. He approached me in the middle of the city and asked who are you, and what are you doing here. When we explained he was just so helpful, and wanted to come along as well.  Sasha, left hand corner, is looking after 150 poor people in Kryiover, Serbia. We travelled 3 hours on a coach, just to see him and his wife. We stayed for 3 hours, and then took the 3 hours back. They were so happy they cried with joy. We are looking to support the work here in Kryiover, and to help Olgaritza with her work with the poor children in Belgrade. The last photo, is of me in the market place, where I spotted these lovely colourful women. They were just so delightful, a mother and her daughter, and daughter-in-law, and grand-children. Serbia is  up and coming, because people like these live there.

News from India


 Hi Don    Sorry for the delay.  Life at work has been manic just lately!!!   Anyway we can send a parcel of 16 kg to rural India for £96, so if you could provide us with suitable educational materials for that we will go ahead.  The district we are sending too is Raj Samand,   Rajasthan 31 33 31 (PO Kamili Ghat via Deogalh - Madariya).   Our school address is Mrs Margaret Coe, William Stukeley Church of England Primary School, Spalding Road, Holbeach, Lincs PE12 7HG.   Many thanks for all your help.    Margaret

Friday, October 21, 2005

Report from Serbia. The Sunflower Trust

Mrs Melanie Price  Manchester

Mrs Thelma Lynch Holyhead, N Wales

Mr Dragan Novokovic Podgaritza, Montenagro 


This was my first visit into Serbia, although I had been to the Old Yugoslavia, many years ago for a holiday. At first I wasn’t very impressed, as the people looked so downcast and aggressive.

The city of Belgrade, showed the evidence of war, as we saw bombed buildings all over the place.  I was mistaken about the people though, what I thought was aggressiveness, was really resilience, and their downcast faces, soon awakened with life once the ice was broken with a friendly smile and "Dobur Dan".

Our aim was to see the conditions of the poor children in the city, to visit a persecuted Church in Belgrade, to show our support, and to bring communication and connection from our organisation.

We wanted to go to the villages, to meet with some locals who are trying to set up an education programme, amongst the poor peasant, and gipsy children. We achieved all our aims, and more besides.

The little school we visited was extremely basic. There were 22 students, and it started at 6pm and finished at 8.30pm. On arriving in this district it was already dark, so I couldn’t see the immediate surroundings, but I could hear lots of children’s voices, shouting with excitement, and then our vehicle was smothered with flattened faces stuck to the windows, as they tried to see who was inside. Thechildren were dark skinned, and raw boned, with beautiful dark flashing eyes. They had been told that some "Anglesias" ladies were coming to speak to them. I had 1 hour to speak to them, and share about the reason that we were there.


The children were so receptive, and we spent half an hour answering questions, about England. Many of the boys wanted to know about Manchester United football club, they were excited to know that I came from that city.

I told them about the work we were doing in Hungary and Romania, with the poor children, and as poor as they were themselves, they to wanted to help”. 
We shared about the differences in language and culture, but emphasised on the common aim of bringing peace, understanding, and tolerance of each others traditions, cultures, and beliefs. Most of the children came from Muslim homes, so they were mainly boys who were allowed to come to the tiny little school room, on the outskirts of Belgrade.


The average wage is 120 Euro per month, but the ethnic minorities in the city, just didn’t stand a chance of getting a job, because of lack of education. These few children will have a chance, as they are being educated with love, by Olgritza, and her team of 3.

They demonstrated in turn, their ability to recite the ABC s in Cyrillic and Modern Latin Alphabets. In unison they said their times tables. They have no desks, only a plank of wood. They have no paper or pens. Olgaritza s husband made a black board out of an old piece of metal sheeting, and chalk substitute was some kind of sulfer stone. No matter what these children lacked in resources, they lacked nothing in their enthusiasm for knowledge and information.

I kissed everyone ,as they left that tiny upper room, and gave each one a little bracelet of remembrance, with coloured beads, which had a meaning, referring to my visit. When the room was empty, and the voices gone ..I sighed a sigh of satisfaction, knowing we had done something worthwhile, and had had an impact on these children’s lives, that I believe they will never forget. The Sunflower Trust is looking at ways we can help Olgaritza and her team. WE want to send in some educational tools, and resources, so the children can have the best chance. Remember the children of today, are our teachers, and leaders of tomorrow. 

Thursday, October 20, 2005

A Plea for Help

(original letter, translation follows.)

Buna ziua , domnule Don!

Ma numesc  Georgeta Constantinescu si sunt invatatoare la Scoala Generala nr.109 din Bucuresti .

      In primul rand va multumesc pentru sansele pe care le oferiti acestor copii de a invata intr-o clasa mai frumoasa si pentru a avea ce au nevoie .

     In aceasta scoala sunt copii cu posibilitati materiale mici , majoritatea cu parinti someri , care nu-si pot permite toate lucrurile de care au nevoie la scoala .Materialul didactic s-a deteriorat sau este mult prea putin si avem nevoie de mult mai multe lucruri la aproape toate obiectele .De-a lungul anilor eu am desenat multe planse pentru toate obiectele de invatamant si am incercat sa-mi fac singura materialele didactice pentru a nu mai forta copiii .In general ma descurc destul de bine la desen , pot mari orice desen fara aparatura necesara , asa ca mi-a fost usor sa-mi desenez harti , planse sau ce am mai avut nevoie .Multe din cele facute de mine au fost furate de copii de la clase mai mari deoarece , dupa cum se poate observa si in pozele trimise de d-na Laura Ionescu , usa de la sala de clasa nu se poate incuia , nici macar inchide ca lumea .

     Deoarece materialele didactice sunt foarte scumpe si scoala nu are fonduri iar parintii sunt prea saraci pentru a face ceva , am incercat sa ma descurc cum am putut .Dar si pentru asta e nevoie de creioane , carioci , coli de scris , hartie glasata , carton si multe alte obiecte pe care le-am cumparat singura din umilul meu salariu ( 150$ pe luna aproximativ) .

    In vacanta de vara am venit la scoala si am vopsit bancile si peretii clasei , incercand sa le creez copiilor o clasa cat mai confortabila dar cand au venit ploile puternice de toamna , apa a patruns prin tavan si ne-a stricat peretele din fata clasei .Florile pe care le-am adus si le-am ingrijit cu mare drag , au fost in mare parte furate sau stricate de copii de la alte clase .

     Cand avem ore de sport stam in clasa deoarece in curtea scolii nu putem face nimic asa ca preferam ca in orele de sport sa facem exercitii la matematica sau lectura .

   Sunt copii care vin la scoala zile , saptamani in sir cu aceeasi pereche de pantaloni , aceeasi bluza sau geaca pentru ca parintii nu au bani sa le cumpere altele .

   Asa ca ajutorul dumneavoastra est mai mult decat bine venit si in numele tuturor acestor copii atat de minunati , va scriu eu acum si va multumesc .


                                                                                  Georgeta Constantinescu


{This was the original in Romanian and now I will give you my translation .Please forgive my mistakes.I wrote fast and my emotions covered my soul thinking of those children .Kisses for you because you help me to help them. Laura.}



Hello , Mister Don !
My name is Georgeta Constantinescu and I’m a teacher at Scoala Generala 109 ( General school ) from Bucharest .
First I would like to thank you for the opportunities you offer to make this classroom more beautiful and comfortable and to offer what these children need.
In this school our children with small financial  possibilities , with unemployed parents and they cant afford what their classroom needs .The didactic material is too old and not good anymore or too less and they cant afford all the things we need. From years ago till now I painted a lot of maps , posters , placards to not force the children anymore to pay for them .I m quite good at painting and drawing and I can copy almost anything to make it bigger without special tools .But many things I did were stolen by older children fromother classes because , like u can see in photos sent to you by Miss Laura Ionescu , the door from our classroom cannot be locked , nor even closed right .We have to buy a new one .
    Because the tools I need and other materials are very expensive , the school cant receive enough money from the government and the parents are too poor to help me , I was oblige to handle how I could. Many times I was obliged to buy crayons , pens , pencils , papers , pasteboards, boards and many other objects I needed from my own salary ( about 150$ per month ) .
   In our summer holiday I came to school and painted the walls because I wanted to offer a better and a more beautiful room to this children but the autumn rains came and the water came thru the ceiling and broke the in front wall .The flowers I brought and cared with so much love were stolen or broken by the older children.
When we have sport hours we have to stay in class because we definitely cant do it in the school yard so we have to stay in class and make mathematic exercises or I read something to the children .
Are children coming to school with the same blouse , same trouser or even same old  jacket or shoes because their parents can not afford to buy others .I love this children very much and I am trying to make their life better everyday but I cant so because of this I need your help and I thank you for all you are doing .
                                                                               With many thanks , yours
                                                                               Georgeta Constantinescu


New Pictures from Nepal

Supplies Received and Asked For.


Hi Don

The two parcels arrived safely and in good order this morning - thank you  very much. They will go on the container next month and I know that  Nyakasura Primary school will be absolutely delighted. I should be there  when the container arrives so I will let you know when the school receives  the parcels and hopefully send you some photos too.

Very best wishes


Serbia Melanie Price  

Hi Don   I've just returned from Serbia. Had an interesting time there. I met some very poor people there trying to run a school for poor children.  I spoke to the children and they were so delightful. Their desks were just planks of wood, and they had nothing else. I wondered if we could send some educational supplies out to them, or if you know any one out there already. The need is quite urgent. I will send you a brief report of my visit as soon as I can. Hope all is well with you   All the best Melanie

Press Release, Ulster Star, Northern Ireland

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Press Release.


 24th October 2005


Service of Thanksgiving and Rededication to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the United Nations 


Her Majesty The Queen accompanied by His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh will attend a special service of thanksgiving and rededication to mark the 60th anniversary of the United Nations at St. Paul’s Cathedral on Monday, 24 October at 3.00pm. 


The Service, held on United Nations Day, will be led by the Dean of St Paul’s, The Very Rev’d Dr John Moses, with the address given by the Bishop of London, The Rt. Hon and Rt. Revd Richard Chartres. The lessons will be read by The Duke of Edinburgh and the Prime Minister and Lord Ashdown will talk briefly about the United Nation’s peacekeeping role. Representatives of all major faiths will be present and the A Ray of Hope Choir, UNESCO Youth Ambassador for the Culture of Peace,  made up of Northern Irish schoolchildren from across the religious spectrum, will sing for the first time since the signing of the Good Friday Agreement


The service will also be attended by almost all Ambassadors and High Commissioners resident in London, together with Parliamentarians from both Houses. The Lord Mayor of London and the Lord Mayors of Belfast, Birmingham, Bristol, Canterbury, Cardiff, Exeter, Kingston-upon-Hull, Liverpool, Norwich, Nottingham, Plymouth, Sheffield, Swansea, Westminster and York will also be in attendance together with Lords-Lieutenant, High Sheriffs and civic representatives from throughout the United Kingdom.


They will be joined by former UN Peacekeepers, representatives of UN agencies and many members of the United Nations Association from across the United Kingdom.


Further details please contact the Chairman of the Organising Committee, Sir Patrick Cormack MP, on 020 7219 5019


A Ray of Hope
UNESCO Youth Ambassador for the Culture of Peace
Northern Ireland

A Ray of Hope, the choir from six schools of different denominations and for the disabled in Northern Ireland was formed in 1995. In that year, the United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) named the choir Youth Ambassadors for the Culture of Peace. After the Good Friday Agreement in 1998, the expanding Ray of Hope network concentrated on building links with schools and organisations in developing countries. Educational and medical goods in excess of £4 million have been sent worldwide including to Belarus, Brazil, Nepal and Malawi. The network of 200,000 comprising carers and those being cared for includes many who sang together in 1996. For the UN’s 60th anniversary service at St Paul’s Cathedral, Largymore Primary School, Forthill College, Assumption Grammar School, Dromore High School, Grosvenor Grammar School and Fleming Fulton School, the original members of A Ray of Hope, will sing together for the first time in seven years.


The Rogbonko Village School Trust, Sierra Leone


The new school building nears completion, now scheduled for November 2005. Building work began on 11th December 2004. The early arrival of the rainy season meant that work had to proceed at a slower pace than hoped. But in June the new zinc roof was put in place.  The work has been entirely carried out by teams of youth volunteers from the village working under the instruction of a local builder. In total 100 volunteers working in groups of five have given their time.


As many materials as could be collected locally were used in the construction, including sand, rocks and timbers.  In addition, the building blocks were also made by the village. Funds for the new school building  were raised by Brandeston School in Suffolk, who held a series of fundraising events throughout the school year and  succeeded in raising a total of £8361.


Thanks to Brandeston School’s  remarkable achievement the new building, which was originally planned to have four classrooms has been extended to include five classrooms, a library, storeroom and staffroom. In addition a three bedroom guesthouse has been built for the use of  visiting staff.


Plastering and painting of the new building will begin soon. There will be an official opening ceremony to coincide with the start of  the next school term in January 2006 

Photographs of the work in progress

Monday, October 17, 2005

Uganda & Northern Ireland.

Spire High School



UNESCO Youth Ambassador



Ref: Thank You


On my own behalf, and on behalf of the students of Spire High School, I would like to extend our sincere gratitude to you for the kindly gesture, friendly and heartful desire to develop our school, particularly the field of sports.


As a school, we’re to live to cherish the offer you’ve blessed us with. As school administration, we’re to further strive to make sports a developing aspect in our school for the developing youth.


Thank you very much,

Sserwadda Godfrey,


Spire high school. 


  Northern Ireland   Thank you again to Des and the team for today's delivery of walking aids, sanitary items and specialist medical equipment and general hospital supplies.    

Orchestra of the City of London, A Ray of Hope.

  Orchestra of the City of London A Ray of Hope   Congratulations to the  Orchestra of the City of London for their excellent performance on Friday, 14th October, 2005 in the City of London School, Queen Victoria Street, London. The audience were enlightened by Jonathan Dove's " Run to the Edge" and then allowed the familiarity of Vaughan Williams' London Symphony. We wish them well for their next performance in the Grand Ballroom, Australia House, London  on Monday, 12th December, 2005 when Mozart, Wagner and Rachmaninov will provide the nuances of sound through their compositions. Thanks also to Simon Tottman for his photograph of the orchestra

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Kasangati, Uganda

Gayaza Cambridge College

Of St. Mbaaga




Dear A Ray of Hope UNESCO Youth Ambassador,


Thanks so much for the variety of sports equipments that you channeled to us through your Liaison Officers. Indeed, this has demonstrated the strong feeling of brotherhood that you have towards the youth in the area.


As photos attached will show, Gayaza Cambridge College Boys and girls were so grateful, they have wished you good blessings and have vowed to make the most educative and strong teams around for which they are requesting you to become the patron.


Administrators and the teachers at the College are also excessively happy as you have joined them in the promotion of the youth talents and unity.


Thank you so much once again, please deliver Cambridge regards to all who contribute to world harmony.


Zziwa Vicent


Cambridge College

Of St. Mbaaga.



We, all students of Gayaza Cambridge College are very happy for all the sports equipments you sent to us. We really appreciate the good heart you’ve shown us.

I, in particular do not think I have the words to show my joy. Your generous heart has greatly lifted my ministry (Sports).


Ssebitous Joseph

Sports Prefect  


I wish to pass mine, and other students’ thanks to you, the Youth Ambassador, for the sports equipment you provided to us as a school. This is really a gesture of unity, friendship and peace in the world.

Lubwama Godfrey,



Dear Youth Ambassador,

Accept my thanks, and those of other students here at Cambridge College for the mountain of sports equipments that you sent us. These are going to help us improve our sports and make great teams around.

May God bless you,

Namuluuta Lydia.

A Ray of Hope Choir

A Ray of Hope (1995-1996)  

Never before seen photos of A Ray of Hope in UNESCO Headquarters Paris, Belfast City Hall and with the then Prime Minister John Major at Hillsborough Castle.

Saturday, October 15, 2005


Romania Recently appointed as A Ray of Hope's Liaison with schools in Bucharest, Romania  Laura Ionescu will focus her efforts on the refurbishment of a classroom and the supply of educational materials and cold weather clothing

Thanks to old friends.

Pictorial Charts, London   Our very sincere thanks must be proffered to the Managing Director, Trustees and Staff of Pictorial Charts Educational Trust who have not only supported A Ray of Hope from its inception but have now guaranteed their assistance for projects in Belarus, Romania, Uganda and Nepal.

Himalayan Princesses.


Best wishes received from our Princesses in Nepal. The girls live in the Metta Centre which currently is in need of financial assistance. Thankfully support has been received to assist them for a few months and there after when monies become available. Photographs.

New Representative: Jordan



Recently A Ray of Hope appointed Paige Kimberley as its representative for Jordan. Paige is due home shortly and our first priority will be to supply 60 fleeces to the children with the onset of winter


Subject Medical Supplies


Thank you to Des and his Team - Medical and sanitary supplies, Zimmer frames, crutches and walking sticks received safely.


Tanzania, Uganda and Jordan


Today we posted educational poster packs, teachers' notes and resource material, biology and mathematics workbooks, stationery, jotters notebooks and some fleece items to Tanzania, Uganda and Jordan. Value of items approximately  $5680.

Order of Service Notes for A Ray of Hope

St. Paul's London

Order of Service Notes for A Ray of Hope


A Ray of Hope, the choir from six schools of different denominations and for the disabled in Northern Ireland was formed in 1996. In that year, the United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) named the choir Youth Ambassadors for the Culture of Peace. After the Good Friday Agreement in 1998, the expanding Ray of Hope network concentrated on building links with schools and organisations in developing countries. 

Educational and medical goods in excess of £4 million have been sent worldwide including to Belarus, Brazil, Nepal and Malawi. The network of 200,000 comprising carers and those being cared for includes many who sang together in 1996. For the UN’s 60th anniversary service at St Paul’s Cathedral, Largymore Primary School, Forthill College, Assumption Grammar School, Dromore High School, Grosvenor Grammar School and Fleming Fulton School, the original members of A Ray of Hope, will sing together for the first time in seven years

Friday, October 14, 2005

Largymore Primary School, Northern Ireland

Largymore Primary School Northern Ireland  

Today Largymore Primary School celebrated the Harvest and Thanksgiving.   Six years ago Largymore changed its thoughts for harvest. Instead of asking the children for money or food for decided to harvest the common place  of the community for the luxuries of others. This year the school's aim was to focus on children in Eastern Europe and further afield.. 170 children from 130 families harvested  $2500 worth of toiletries and pharmaceuticals. Shortly the items will begin  their journeys to Romania and Jordan.   The principal, Mr. Harry Stewart commented," I continually have the utmost respect and admiration for our children and parents who envelop, support and promote the ethos of our school."  

Choir Invititation to United Nations 60th Anniversary

Service to commemorate the 60th Anniversary
of the foundation of the United Nations.

 St Paul’s Cathedral, 3.00pm, Monday 24 October, 2005


Her Majesty the Queen, accompanied by HRH the Duke of Edinburgh, will lead the service of thanksgiving to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the United Nations, to be held
at St Paul’s Cathedral on United Nations Day, Monday 24 October, at three o’clock.

The Prime Minister, the Rt Hon Tony Blair will read a lesson. The Bishop of London, the Rt Rev Richard Chartres, will give the sermon and Lord Ashdown, High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina, will contribute a short reflection. The “A Ray of Hope” choir from schools of different denominations in Northern Ireland will sing together for the first time since the Good Friday Agreement seven years ago.

The ‘Act of Commitment to the Future’ will use text from the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It will refer to the continuing work of the United Nations in working for peace and in the fields of Development, Justice and Human Rights.
In 1945, the United Nations set out to maintain international peace and security; to develop friendly relations among nations; to co-operate in solving international economic,
social, cultural and humanitarian problems and in promoting respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms; and to be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations. Over
the past sixty years, it has been tested in all these roles. In St Paul’s Cathedral, we will rededicate ourselves to its support as it continues to seek to fulfil these roles, as challenging now as when first set out.



Hi Don, I got your email address from TagTeacherNet. Our school has contact with a couple of schools in Kilimatindi in Tanzania, actually one of their teachers is over working with us this term. Can you give me an idea of what you offer and I can share that with Festo to see if it would be of any use to them.
Many thanks

Help for Schools in Uganda



Nyakasura is a secondary school going from year 7 up to 'A' Level. The resources you mention such as posters, booklets and library books would be very useful and we would be very grateful to receive them. We have booked space on a container leaving Ipwsich in January, (part of a consignment to Uganda being sent by another charity called 'Tools with a Mission'. I am currently collecting and packing stuff in my garage in Ipswich.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

News and Thanks.

Ray of Hope choir invited to sing in St. Paul's Cathedral on United Nations Day, :

New contacts made with Romania, Tanzania, Lesotho,Ghana :

Thank you to Des and his team for the mountain of medical supplies :

Thank you to David Wardrope for all his effort :

Supplies being prepared for Romania and Ghana :

Tag Teacher Net proving to be extremely effective :

Thank you to Roch Valley

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


This is the first entry in A Ray of Hope's blog. If this works out then more information and News about A Ray of Hope will be forthcoming.

Aside from news, we will be posting photographs sent to us by children from the schools we assist. It is also important to share Thank you notes and other acknowledgements with everyone involved in A Ray of Hope.


Nepal-- support for Kavre School for the Deaf

Parents of deaf children are forced to keep them far from their home for their education, so the kids don't have to travel long   distan...