Thursday, October 20, 2005

A Plea for Help

(original letter, translation follows.)

Buna ziua , domnule Don!

Ma numesc  Georgeta Constantinescu si sunt invatatoare la Scoala Generala nr.109 din Bucuresti .

      In primul rand va multumesc pentru sansele pe care le oferiti acestor copii de a invata intr-o clasa mai frumoasa si pentru a avea ce au nevoie .

     In aceasta scoala sunt copii cu posibilitati materiale mici , majoritatea cu parinti someri , care nu-si pot permite toate lucrurile de care au nevoie la scoala .Materialul didactic s-a deteriorat sau este mult prea putin si avem nevoie de mult mai multe lucruri la aproape toate obiectele .De-a lungul anilor eu am desenat multe planse pentru toate obiectele de invatamant si am incercat sa-mi fac singura materialele didactice pentru a nu mai forta copiii .In general ma descurc destul de bine la desen , pot mari orice desen fara aparatura necesara , asa ca mi-a fost usor sa-mi desenez harti , planse sau ce am mai avut nevoie .Multe din cele facute de mine au fost furate de copii de la clase mai mari deoarece , dupa cum se poate observa si in pozele trimise de d-na Laura Ionescu , usa de la sala de clasa nu se poate incuia , nici macar inchide ca lumea .

     Deoarece materialele didactice sunt foarte scumpe si scoala nu are fonduri iar parintii sunt prea saraci pentru a face ceva , am incercat sa ma descurc cum am putut .Dar si pentru asta e nevoie de creioane , carioci , coli de scris , hartie glasata , carton si multe alte obiecte pe care le-am cumparat singura din umilul meu salariu ( 150$ pe luna aproximativ) .

    In vacanta de vara am venit la scoala si am vopsit bancile si peretii clasei , incercand sa le creez copiilor o clasa cat mai confortabila dar cand au venit ploile puternice de toamna , apa a patruns prin tavan si ne-a stricat peretele din fata clasei .Florile pe care le-am adus si le-am ingrijit cu mare drag , au fost in mare parte furate sau stricate de copii de la alte clase .

     Cand avem ore de sport stam in clasa deoarece in curtea scolii nu putem face nimic asa ca preferam ca in orele de sport sa facem exercitii la matematica sau lectura .

   Sunt copii care vin la scoala zile , saptamani in sir cu aceeasi pereche de pantaloni , aceeasi bluza sau geaca pentru ca parintii nu au bani sa le cumpere altele .

   Asa ca ajutorul dumneavoastra est mai mult decat bine venit si in numele tuturor acestor copii atat de minunati , va scriu eu acum si va multumesc .


                                                                                  Georgeta Constantinescu


{This was the original in Romanian and now I will give you my translation .Please forgive my mistakes.I wrote fast and my emotions covered my soul thinking of those children .Kisses for you because you help me to help them. Laura.}



Hello , Mister Don !
My name is Georgeta Constantinescu and I’m a teacher at Scoala Generala 109 ( General school ) from Bucharest .
First I would like to thank you for the opportunities you offer to make this classroom more beautiful and comfortable and to offer what these children need.
In this school our children with small financial  possibilities , with unemployed parents and they cant afford what their classroom needs .The didactic material is too old and not good anymore or too less and they cant afford all the things we need. From years ago till now I painted a lot of maps , posters , placards to not force the children anymore to pay for them .I m quite good at painting and drawing and I can copy almost anything to make it bigger without special tools .But many things I did were stolen by older children fromother classes because , like u can see in photos sent to you by Miss Laura Ionescu , the door from our classroom cannot be locked , nor even closed right .We have to buy a new one .
    Because the tools I need and other materials are very expensive , the school cant receive enough money from the government and the parents are too poor to help me , I was oblige to handle how I could. Many times I was obliged to buy crayons , pens , pencils , papers , pasteboards, boards and many other objects I needed from my own salary ( about 150$ per month ) .
   In our summer holiday I came to school and painted the walls because I wanted to offer a better and a more beautiful room to this children but the autumn rains came and the water came thru the ceiling and broke the in front wall .The flowers I brought and cared with so much love were stolen or broken by the older children.
When we have sport hours we have to stay in class because we definitely cant do it in the school yard so we have to stay in class and make mathematic exercises or I read something to the children .
Are children coming to school with the same blouse , same trouser or even same old  jacket or shoes because their parents can not afford to buy others .I love this children very much and I am trying to make their life better everyday but I cant so because of this I need your help and I thank you for all you are doing .
                                                                               With many thanks , yours
                                                                               Georgeta Constantinescu


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