Monday, October 31, 2005

Warm Wishes

Sir Patrick Cormack F.S.A. M.P.
Chairman of the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee


I would like to thank you all for making such a magnificent contribution to a memorable service, and for singing so beautifully in the crypt afterwards. It was an enormous privilege and pleasure to have you with us and I personally hope to have the delight of hearing the choir again.

With renewed thanks and warmest good wishes to you all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sir Patrick Cormack has been the Conservative MP for South Staffordshire since 1983. From 1970-74 he represented Cannock before representing Staffordshire South West from 1974-1983.  That constituency contained almost all of Sir Patrick’s current seat.
Despite a seven-week delay, caused by the death of his Liberal Democrat opponent, Sir Patrick increased both his share of the vote and his majority at the General Election in 2005.  Sir Patrick’s current majority is 8847, which was won on 52.05% of the vote.  His swing of 9.1% from the Labour Party represents the largest such swing at the whole election.
Sir Patrick is a former Conservative Party spokesman on Constitutional Affairs, as well as a former Shadow Deputy Leader of the House of Commons.  In July 2000, Sir Patrick resigned in order to stand for election as Speaker of the House of Commons.  Sir Patrick is currently a member of the House of Commons Commission and an elected member of the General Synod of the Church of England.
Since 1983 he has edited The House Magazine and he writes and broadcasts regularly on political matters, the arts and religion.  In addition, he is a team captain on BBC Radio 4’s Parliamentary Questions quiz.

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