Sunday, October 16, 2005

Kasangati, Uganda

Gayaza Cambridge College

Of St. Mbaaga




Dear A Ray of Hope UNESCO Youth Ambassador,


Thanks so much for the variety of sports equipments that you channeled to us through your Liaison Officers. Indeed, this has demonstrated the strong feeling of brotherhood that you have towards the youth in the area.


As photos attached will show, Gayaza Cambridge College Boys and girls were so grateful, they have wished you good blessings and have vowed to make the most educative and strong teams around for which they are requesting you to become the patron.


Administrators and the teachers at the College are also excessively happy as you have joined them in the promotion of the youth talents and unity.


Thank you so much once again, please deliver Cambridge regards to all who contribute to world harmony.


Zziwa Vicent


Cambridge College

Of St. Mbaaga.



We, all students of Gayaza Cambridge College are very happy for all the sports equipments you sent to us. We really appreciate the good heart you’ve shown us.

I, in particular do not think I have the words to show my joy. Your generous heart has greatly lifted my ministry (Sports).


Ssebitous Joseph

Sports Prefect  


I wish to pass mine, and other students’ thanks to you, the Youth Ambassador, for the sports equipment you provided to us as a school. This is really a gesture of unity, friendship and peace in the world.

Lubwama Godfrey,



Dear Youth Ambassador,

Accept my thanks, and those of other students here at Cambridge College for the mountain of sports equipments that you sent us. These are going to help us improve our sports and make great teams around.

May God bless you,

Namuluuta Lydia.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Below is what was received and how it was distributed:

5 basket balls
2 foot balls
2 net balls
5 skipping ropes
9 badminton rackets and 9 racks
17 medals
7 trophies
8 table tennis balls and bats

Cambridge College received  1 netball, 1 football, 2 basket balls, 3 ropes, 4 table tennis bats and 4 balls, 4 badminton rackets and 4 racks, 8 medals, and 3 trophies.

Spire High; 1 netball, 1 football, 3 basket balls, 2 ropes, 4 table tennis bats and 4 balls, 5 badminton rackets and 5 racks, 9 medals and 4 trophies.

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