Saturday, July 21, 2007


Dear Young Nigerian Professionals,
We are accepting nominations for our exclusive event:  Top 40 under 40 female professionals in Nigeria. You know of any female professional making positive impact in Nigeria particularly those uncelebrated, then read below and  please visit for details.

Lagos, Nigeria -- June 1st, 2005 -- When we took to the streets to ask, Who are the top 40 under 40 female professionals in Nigeria? Here is one of the answers we got, 'That one na easy question, if you want make I name names': Madame Speaker, Honourable Etteh is one, Doctor Mrs Ndi Okereke-Onyiuke, Stock Exchange is another! Wait, wait, we said, under 40?! I hear you my brothers but wetin a woman fit accomplish before 40 in this country that would make a top lady?!'

The average Joe and Jane in Nigeria don't have a monopoly over such sentiment. It seems as a nation, as with many others around the world, we are yet to come to grips with the reality that more and more women, especially younger women, are raising to top of their careers. It therefore becomes an imperative for us, as a nation, to start sensitizing ourselves to this notion that women of all ages deserve the right to be successful.

To inspire and cultivate a Nigeria that appreciates the young professional woman, the Nigerian Professionals Network (NiPRO) is hosting the first of its kind reception to recognize and highlight the achievements of young professional women in Nigeria. "Let us catch and honour them young, to help inspire more of them to become the likes of Dr. (Mrs) Ndi Okereke-Onyiuke, says Kamil Olufowobi, the Executive Director of NiPRO International. He went on to say, we aim to connect these up and coming 40 diverse, young and talented female professionals with their more established counterparts, one to facilitate mentorship and two, as a group we are asking for a collective and innovative plan of action to help inspire more female leadership in Nigeria."

In honouring the Top 40 under 40 Female professionals in Nigeria, as NiPRO intendsto do as part of their 2nd Top (40) under (40) Conventions on Sunday, September 9th, 2007 in Lagos, NiPRO will begin the transformation the Nigerian society needs with regards to embracing female leadership of all ages. The NiPRO Woman summit and reception will attract the who is who in the Nigerian community, top level executives, high ranking government officials, Nigerian?s most eligible bachelors and much more. The outcome of the Summit will be a collective and innovative plan of action to inspire more female leadership in Nigeria.

Selection Criteria
- Resides in Nigeria
- Have a track record of leadership and/or success within the Nigerian community
- Age 18 - 40
- Socially Conscious

- Join the coalition of the willing and able
- Join the most vibrant network of young Nigerian professionals creating a paradigm shift
- Build contacts that can make a difference in your life
- Exchange ideas, leads and recommendations with prominent Nigerian professionals
- Network with the 2007 Top (40) under (40) female professionals in Nigeria
- Network with Prominent Nigerian Professionals


We are witnessing today the gradual change of perception by many governments, organizations and individuals around the world about the role of women in Society. Nigeria for instance with the ushering of democracy has little by little seen many women risen to higher positions in academics, politics and the corporate world. Young women are continuing to use their special talents (feminine genius and energy) to transform the Nigerian Society. Therefore, it becomes necessary to recognize and highlight the achievements of these women to inspire and cultivate a Nigeria that appreciates the NiPRO Woman. This elegant dinner reception will recognize and highlight the achievements of 40 diverse, young and talented female professionals in Nigeria.

  1. To create a platform for the 2007 Top (40) Under (40) female professionals in Nigeria to meet, network, connect & mingle with themselves and invited special guests
  2. To engage in dialogue about the achievements and challenges faced as women in their leading roles.
  3. To outline a collective and innovative plan of action to inspire more female leadership in Nigeria

The summit and reception in Lagos, Nigeria will attract the who's who in the Nigerian community, top level executives, high ranking government officials, Nigerian's most eligible bachelors and much more.

The outcome of the Summit will be a collective and innovative plan of action to inspire more female leadership in Nigeria .

"Inspiring a New Generation of Female Leadership in Nigeria"

                                                                           APPLY TO ATTEND



For More Information visit


Victor Gotevbe
General Manager
Nigerian Professionals International network

Personnel Officer
Vanguard Media Limited
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