Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Seguya Uganda

I am currently helping teach basic computer skills at Cabridge College. I shared the information I am copying you in here below with a friend.

The service I give the college student is not paid for. This college has five computers like I said in my last e-mail. Three of them were simply sleeping and I talked to headmaster about helping the boys and girls. I did this from my experience, I have learned that computers dominate almost every area of life that a student who leaves secondary school without at the least, a small knowledge of how to use them, would have an unconfortable life out here. When in South Africa, I had to do my CAA exams on a computer, and I got my results immediately at a click. The fact that I used computers got me wondering "what would I have done if I didn't know how to use these machines?"

The College is so rural(it's in the parish where our home is), and like many other rural institutions or families, short of almost every resource. I am sure if I asked to be paid for my service, the headmaster would give excuses, and the whole thing would not start. The three machines lacked mice, I asked for them, but since last week, they have not yet been purchased. An institution like this one has much competing for its resources that a project such as the one I am undertaking there can easily be looked at as a luxury, not because it is, but simply because it is not what runs the institution. Besides, even the 'engine' of the institution is not half way built, it is at a level only enough for survival. 

Because I know the importance of what I am doing, I choose to do it regardless. Because we lacked the mice the last time I met the students, I decided that we do something else. We did a litle stuff on computer for I had a laptop. I had carried my book, "The Law of Success"(Napoleon Hill) with me and, the students and I had a discussion on self-esteem and how it can affect their success. The students shared with me about their fears and we had a discussion on how they can over come them.

The students are interested in everything we do, but their enthusiasm for computers is so high.

Beautiful times and best wishes,

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