Sunday, June 07, 2009

Anne - Classics UK and France

Dear Don and Helen,
I thought you would like to know that Judy and I decided at the last minute to go to the CICERO prizegiving in Paris on Friday! We went by Eurostar and it was a wonderful couple of days. Patrick was delighted to see us and I presented Helen's painting to the Headmaster of the Lycée Henri IV, a beautiful school which used to be an Abbey, next to the Panthéon. This was the school where the ceremony took place. Patrick gave a very nice introduction about 'A Ray of Hope' and the painting and the Headmaster was delighted. I have never spoken French before (except with the family of my Czech friends in Prague) so I really enjoyed making a short speech in French - a good way of starting, I think!
I haven't seen any decent photos yet but I took some video. I won't show anybody the section of my speech, but I hope to be able to take some stills from it even though people walked in front of the camcorder at crucial times.
Thank you again for all your support,
from Anne

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