Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Belarus - agreement between UK and Belarus regarding " children's recuperation visits"

The Agreement about recuperation of Belarusian children in the U.K. has been concluded by the exchange of diplomatic Notes between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus and Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the United Kingdom. Thus there aren’t any obstacles in the way of full scale cooperation in this very important, especially for Belarusian children, sphere.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you all, as well as to all MPs representing your constituencies, for rendering considerable assistance in facilitating the process, for your patience and persistence. My special thanks are for the British Ambassador in Minsk Mr Nigel Gould-Davies, whom we have been in contact with nearly every day, trying to come to the conclusion, solving all the disputable issues and looking for compromise. The final stage in the process of preparation of the Agreement clearly proved that concerted effort is absolutely indispensable and crucial in cooperation between our two countries and our peoples.

Good luck and all the best in your respectful humanitarian activities.

Best regards,
Aleksandr Mikhnevich
Ambassador of Belarus in London

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