Sunday, October 19, 2008

Brazil : Update by Vickie re links with Brazil

The computers bought in Manaus, Brazil, in April 2004, were then transported in a passenger boat over two days to the Amazonian town, loaded into a motorized dug-out, to then be transported further fluvially to the village, where they were then installed into the school. Portuguese-English programmes were installed into the computer, enabling the children and teachers to translate anything English written into Portuguese.
Unfortunately, the computers were apparently stolen at the next election for the local mayor.

Plan B, was born. We would drop the progression toward cyber-communication, and develop the snail-mail option. So far, this has proved successful. The School Link Project, re-started in April 2007. Students from the ages of 4 to 7 years exchange picture designs of their life-styles in Devon, UK and Amazonas, Brasil.

During May 2007, a teacher from the Amazonian town visited our Devon school, and gave a fascinating talk, combined with fruity Amazonian food tasting, displays of photographs showing life in the jungle, and the option of trying on Amazonian jewellery. We will look forward to exchanging Christmas cards for 2008, between our link schools.

Vicky Haines
Unesco - Brasil

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