Saturday, October 11, 2008

New Appointees.

Congratulations and thanks to our new appointees. Serena South Korea (Asian matters), Selvo Brazil (Promotions) and Andy UK (Environmental Issues. We are assured that their contribution will be a wonderful asset to the whole.

Selvo Brancalhao Junior Adviser and Liaison Web and Internet Promotions (Brazil)

Serena Woon Liaison and Advisor Asian Studies. ( South Korea)

Andy Mydellton Liasion and Advisor Environmental Issues ( UK)

1 comment:

Serenedipity1206 said...

Dear Don,
With appreciation on your kindness and everything. May you be Healthy and Happy always.
Love and Compassion.

Also Congratulations to other
"New Appointees; Selvo and Andy."

"A Ray of Hope UNESCO brings the WORLD to ONE!"

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