Friday, March 17, 2006


The Teachers Talking Action group met on Saturday,
11th March 2006, in Fantsuam Foundation Community
Learning Center, Fantsuam enable the meeting by
providing meeting venue. Find below a report/minutes
of the meeting.

Fantsuam Foundation TT Action Group Meeting
On the 11th March 2006
By David Mutua on behalf of Rev. Lawrence Gizo
the TT Voice.

Attendants: -

Mrs. Bilhatu Nyam Garba
Mr. Daniel Hyuwa
Mr. Ayok Thomas
Rev. Lawrence Gizo (The TT Nigeria Voice)
Mr. Abashiya Aniggo
Mr. Christy Ajala

David Mutua
Florence Bale

The meeting started at exactly 11:45am at Fantsuam
Foundation cyber café, six people attended, it could
not hold in full force because of number in attendance
not with standing few things were deliberated upon.

Things Discussed.
The use of the computer teaching aid left behind by
Condition for borrowing teaching aids
It can only be borrowed for a week, the borrower is
responsible to replace back the teaching aids in case
of any damage
An item can only be borrowed at a time
Any teacher who has started with a group and is in
need of the teaching aid should provide the time -
table to Mr. Mutua David or Miss Florence Bale

Dynamic information about some member of the IT
Mrs. Bilhatu Nyam has started computer work with some
students in her school
MR Ayok Thomas presented a proposal to his school
principal to start a computer program in his school
Rev. Lawrence Yaro Gizo has started a computer
literacy school at garage agban kagoro called sawano
computer training with three students, Fantsuam
Foundation assisted him with a Volunteer Instructor
(Enoch Auta) to assist him set up the centre.

A member in person of Mr Daniel Hyuwa donated 1,000
Naira and it was agreed that all members are expected
to contribute atleast 500 Naira in the next meeting.
We have proposed to open an account with Fantsuam
Foundation community bank with 200 Naira and save 300
Naira and the remaining 500 Naira will be used for
typing and getting minutes, letters and notes across
to member by CawdNet courier. The account number will
be made known to members and other interested groups
so that they can make their own contribution to the TT

Next Meeting
Next meeting is scheduled for Friday 7/4/06 at 3:00pm.
Elections for the TT action group leaders will take
place and teachers will have access to the Internet
after the meeting.

Posts for elections
Vice chairman
Financial Secretary


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