Monday, January 25, 2010

Kashmir, India

Educational resources, wallets. teachers' notes, clothes pencils, notebooks etc begin their journey to Kashmir.

Nepal - Metta Centre : Thank you to Hodge Clough Junior School. UK

Thank you to Hodge Clough Junior School for the wonderful generosity in supplying a new computer system and accessories for our princesses in the Metta Centre, Nepal.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

British Airways - a thank you.

It is a great pleasure to thank British Airways for the wonderful support they proffer to our projects in Uganda. Together in our many forms we make a difference.

David Tyler Trust - a thank you !!!

Pictorial Charts Educational Trust has supported A Ray of Hope for many years. Now rebadged as The David Tyler Trust we thank Dorothy and Christopher Tyler for their continuous and generous support.

Ulster Teachers' Union - Northern Ireland

Sincere thanks from A Ray of Hope to the President, Chief Executive and members of the Ulster Teachers' Union for their generous donation to our overseas intiatives.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

India - Clothing items arrive safely. - thank you Heaton's Ireland

Project Hope Uganda

Project Hope – Uganda Annual Report for the Year April 2009 – March 2010


2009 is the second year in the life of Project Hope – Uganda. Like in our first year, we have seen the lives of communities, institutions and individuals therein touched and improved. Project Hope’s role in the lives of communities and individuals has been greatly enhanced by the generous support and commitment of many partners committed to improving lives in the area we reach.

Project Hope Objectives:

1. To create and maintain a network of organizations and projects with similar aspirations to share resources and experiences so as to attain those aspirations

2. Sourcing funds for the activities of the organizations and projects within the network thus created

3. Advising the projects and organizations within the network on issues pertaining the attainment of their aspirations

4. Supporting communities with their educational, social, economic and cultural needs through supporting youth and adult education

5. Linking affiliated projects and organizations to similar projects and organizations around the world

6. Undertaking income generating and related activities to support the sustainability of all projects undertaken

We have continued to move towards our objectives through involving member organizations in coming up with priorities where they need Project Hope support to be concentrated

In the year April 2009 - , among other things, we managed to achieve the following:

- Full registration with the Uganda’s Non Governmental Organizations Board. Our registration certificate number is S.5914/7517

- We enriched a school library, a community library, a school and a community book bank with 345 copies of essential books. With these books, the number of reading material in the beneficially institutions has been improved and at the same time, teachers and learners have been enabled to access materials necessary for their learning and teaching.

- 20 classroom desks, 5 teachers’ tables and 10 chairs have been provided to a primary school. This has benefited up to 60 pupils and helped improve classroom environment in 3 classes. In addition to this, a noticeable improvement in pupils’ handwriting has been noted. Teachers’ lives in this particular school have been enhanced with proper teaching staff furniture in both classrooms and the staffroom.

- Members of Project Hope – Uganda have continued to benefit from the net-work that the organization has helped to create and sustain. They continued to share experiences and resources, which greatly benefited them.

- Working with CASSO, a member organization, we have seen over 60 community children equipped with life, art and craft skills that aim at making sure they can positively create change in their lives and the lives of their communities.

- We facilitated the reproduction of a children’s story book written by librarians at Kabubbu Community library. Along with this, was the facilitation of the production of local learning aides to help in the delivery of literacy programmes at Kabubbu Community Library and other community libraries.

- We funded the representation of Kabubbu Community Library in the Community Libraries Conference in Dar-es-slaam

- With partnership with the National Institute of Adults in Continuing Education (NIACE), we facilitated the ongoing family learning in different communities and offered refresher courses to family learning facilitators to groups from different communities. This is aimed at equipping families with skills and ability to learn together as a way encouraging literacy and other skills development in communities.

- 2000 copies of Learners Training Manual were published to help the development of literacy through the Uganda Literacy and Adult Learners’ Association

India ; first two projects for 2025

  India ; Congratulations to   the wonderful Sujata and team for the first projects in 2025   augurs well for the rest of the year. A fant...